Glory Energy Experiences

Divine Energies of “Glory, Anchor, Embody Heaven on Earth, Heavenly Vision, Divine Ecstasy, Recreate Sat Yuga, Anchor” from Divine Mother

Class Experiences

2023-08-26 Divine Energy of “Anchor”

I like it very much. It was really interesting, very loving, very gentle. And it was anchoring myself into myself. If it makes sense. It was like, let’s anchor you to who you are. So you don’t change yourself by your mental experiences or influences of other people. So stay truly who you are. Because if you’re gonna anchor yourself to who you are, everything flows and there is a full flow of abundance on every level. So it’s very, very loving. And in very, very good for me right now. Because I got some mental turbulences in the last few weeks, and with this my intention was that I need to go back to being 100% me, no matter what. And the energy brought this brought this right away. Very, very loving.

At the end, it gets me to the deep levels, that if you weren’t talking, I will be still there. So, somewhere deep, deep, but this one, I like it when we ran ones in our work on the world. But now I really, really like it, I think I’m gonna use this energy quite often. Because as a human, you know, people influence us and make us different, create different emotions within us. And sometimes it’s easy to stray off the path of who we are. And this one just reassures, don’t worry about anything, be truly yourself as you are, because then everything flows, and almost like was the message that it’s going to help wash away other people’s hurts that are coming towards us. So, when other people behave selfishly or otherwise, we may feel a little bit hurt, or a lot. This energy will prevent this feeling, like it will not allow us to feel that hurt, because that hurt, doesn’t do anything good. doesn’t belong to us, that’s not who we are. And it’s gonna protect from it. That’s what I felt. And I just love that, Absolutely Love that.

Embody Heaven on Earth Now

Oh, yeah, this one I definitely don’t want to come out. It’s like I’m still halfway conscious.  I really like this one.  Definitely I can feel the differences between energies. This one started from like a nice bluish color with goldish orange added to it. And initially felt like not much was going on, and then suddenly, boom, I was very deep in. Yeah, it’s really, really interesting. And my dogs moved closer to me. So they must feel this too because they’re literally next to my legs now, so they must really, really feel it and like it. They were spread around the room, and with this energy they moved closer to me. So it’s really funny. Yeah, this one was very beautiful and very deep.

Very beautiful. The anchor for me was more grounding than this one is. This was very loving and nurturing for my body. What I noticed with this one was very specific, in this phase of my life. Being very aware of what I pick up from the environment, and what I pick up from the group of people that I’m working with, and how I have, in my attempts to assimilate and to be like them and work among them, I’ve copied and pasted many of their beliefs and many of their fears.  I’m just realizing I don’t need to do that; I can work among them and still be who I am, and not love what they love or fear what they fear, and still be functional and still be helpful and still be a healing presence. Something very interesting was that I felt a lot of releasing. I’m not really sure what Embody Heaven on Earth is supposed to mean, but I just feel a really great sense of peace. And I think maybe embodying a little more of whatever my God Spark is, or my energy that existed before this physical form, and just finding such peace in my physical form because of that, and I’m just gonna cry. Feeling and being who I am, and not having to alter that for where I am. Thank you.

Heavenly Vision

This one I came back without anchor. So it’s really nice. Completely different again when we started, it right away came in massive sheets of energy into my head. Not that heart flush, just the head. And the heat was in the back of my head and then moved to my ears and eyes. When the heat came, I heard Divine Mother saying I’m dialing up things for you. It stayed there for a while, and then it disappeared. And everything was just calm and very peaceful and comfortable. So it was very interesting that it was physical from my head.

So it started to be very uplifting. And I was like thinking, Okay, let’s go and dance and be happy. And then I just went somewhere, I don’t know where. I was somewhere very, very deep. I definitely love this energy and will run it very often. Because I wanted some energy, like, after a day of work, or all the commotions in life, I very often go for a walk. And I’m thinking I just want to feel happy for one second. Now. I want to feel happy. And not think about anything else. Just feel that joy and happiness, the pure happiness. So I will definitely be using this on a regular basis.

This will be wonderful because I feel like I just want to walk or jump or something, then all of us laugh together.

Recreate Sat Yuga Now

this one was very visual thinking for me, but I still feel that I went deep. When we ran the energy I didn’t feel I was deep because my mind was going through some images that were coming from the Sat Yuga, or I think it was because this was so beautiful, and then to Kali Yuga of humanity.  Then the thought came, oh my gosh, cannibalism, Are we really gonna revert to that? And then, right away, the Mayan civilization came to mind. I don’t know why. I have no clue. I haven’t watched the movies. It was really interesting what came with that, that the civilization needed to come to the end, because they were doing too many human sacrifices towards their deities, but not cannibalism, and that would be spreading more and more. So it was put to an end. And then the image disappeared. Then I went somewhere else. And I didn’t even analyze this or anything. It was just thought after thought after thought, and image after image. So it’s really like a kaleidoscope of things. Very different.

Oh, this one was very, very deep, very expansive. I felt a really beautiful sense of wellbeing in my body, and there was a lot of brain stuff happening. I can feel a lot of things happening in my brain. Very beautiful. I look forward to playing with that one.


In that one I was somewhere very, very deep. No thinking, a little warm, no images, just peaceful. Nice. Resting somewhere very deep.

I just went somewhere very deep. And now I think that maybe because it’s the first time, the energy rather was settling in my bed. When I’m gonna be running it, it’s gonna start picking out all the old stuff, painlessly.

2023-05-21 Divine Energy of “Anchor

That was very soft, very flowy gentle energies coming in, and my feet were just clinching, like my toes were digging in.

It felt expansion, like making space. I could feel it like outside my body where you think of your aura, making and holding space.

I think they’re still coming in. It’s very smooth, very smooth, pleasant, very calming. But also at the same time, expansive. If I don’t come back to the camera it’s because I’m still doing my rocking and rolling and it’s just feeling good, and I don’t want to talk. Please forgive me. I just feel so good that I just don’t really want to talk much. But I love you. Thank you.

I’m glad I can feel energy covering all over my body and feel some grounding at my feet.  I remember just an overall sense of grounding.

Anchor opened everything up. During Heavenly Vision I was seeing skies and watching trees grow, which I hope means the earth is going to heal. Let’s hope.  I had a cool flow of peace during Divine Ecstasy. Sat Yuga felt like my life as a healer, and it felt really comfortable. Then Glory was this energy you can rest in, it just feeds you, and I was resting in it. It was ribbons of light. And it was just beautiful.  It was glorious.

Embody Heaven on Earth Attunement:

I’ll go first found that when to be very soft and gentle to it, I did feel a nice soft flow throughout the whole body. But very gentle and then after a while I did get a little bit of tingles, light tingles in my face but mostly around the nose and chin.

I found something in my upper back. I think it was coming in from the head and going down. It was a very happy feeling.

I just felt like someone caressing me like on the top of my head and on my throat area.

I had tingles in the arms and upper part of my body for a while, and then it kind of came in as an overall sense of peacefulness.

Heavenly Vision Attunement:

I felt some weight on my eyelids, just a gentle “keep these closed”, and then there was light coming in and out the third eye, and I think there was a lot of clearing there, and I could feel my third eye. It’s sort of like you’re always trying to see out your eyes. But this was a reminder.

I felt a lot of energy through the back of my legs and up in my head.  At one point I had some fluttering under my neck. After a while, I saw blue skies and it was almost like this breaking motion of blue stripes or blue ribbons going through the sky as well. Overall very interesting to say the least.

I thought it was a beautiful energy, and at some point, I had some involuntary movements on my body like I was jerking, and I saw golden sparks, like a spiral of golden sparks going on.

For me it was very grounding, and it felt like it kept running even after you stopped.

This one I perceive energy as bright, white light. And it came with warm temperature all over my head area.

I for a while there started getting snapshots of things that brought me happiness.  After that I kind of got lost.  It was like I went into somewhere and was a little bit lost and felt peaceful and calming.

Divine Ecstasy Attunement:

It was very gentle energy throughout, and I had gotten this very soft and gentle sense of peace and love and joy that just brings that smile to your face. I almost had a tear in my eye. I just had that sense of deep happiness.  At one point I had gotten a chill like a cold sense of energy over my legs. It was just so beautiful. Thank you.

Yeah, it just matched my personality.  It was an inner smile, an outer smile. Like she said, happy, it’s just a beautiful feeling. Beautiful. Beautiful. Love it.

It was deep and quiet, and it had its own heartbeat. Beautiful.

Very joyous.

I felt like the energy worked on my third eye and my thinking center, and perception to many things.

I found that I had Uplifiting tingles and bubble like sensations throughout the body. And then it just dissipated and left an overall sense of blissfulness.  

Recreate Sat Yuga Attunement:

Yeah. I am so happy and relaxed, that feels like home. That’s where I don’t ever want to come back from.

Most of the energies I felt in my head from my nose on upward. And at one point, I had the impression that I’d be living at least another 30 years, and all the family times I would have with that, and in that.  And then I got the message to meditate more. Very peaceful, very calming.

I felt energy recirculate inside my body and then try to build up my subtle body.

This was really hard for me to come back from, really beautiful, but very strong for me compared to the other ones that we’ve done far.

I had more bubbles, the bubbles were a little more pronounced in this point as far as tingles in bubbles, and all in the upper torso. Throughout I had some chills and then eventually I saw blue and purple clouds kind of floating around.


Glory was this energy you can rest in, it just feeds you, and I was resting in it. It was ribbons of light, and it was just beautiful.  It was glorious.

I don’t really feel like talking, I just feel wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.

It was great John. In the middle, I don’t know where I was, but when I came back, it was really great.

2022-09-25 Divine Energy of “Anchor”.

I liked that immediately, It felt like a warm blanket was wrapped around me.  Then I felt this donut of energy around my head. Then I had lot head pressures, and overall, the feeling I had was just clarity of thought. I didn’t have as much of that brain chatter and stuff, it just felt very clear.

I saw colors come in, and I thought they were doing a lot of fine tuning around my knees, and around my ankles to really get me grounded because the magnetics of the earth thing keep changing. So, it really helps, it smooths out everything, like whatever you’re working on, it brings it in.

I felt like that doughnut thing around my head, my heart, throat, third eye. It was really relaxing, it was nice, relaxing immediately. I felt it around my ankles, my right ankle, little twinges and but I definitely felt it like around my heart. My third eye in this whole area. It was nice.

A lot of activity going on in the heart throat, third eye and crown chakras. I saw this Plasma Light, creating vapors while the download was happening. It was very deep. I felt lighthearted at the end, but in a positive way.  I really felt the energy going deep across the body layers. And I also got a sense that this energy will be helpful for discernment and have a better sense of reality.

That was extremely powerful. Very profound, and it was definitely doing all but you intended.

This was really grounding, and at the same time it’s very tender giving me a settling, but it’s also very strong, but in a different way.

This was quite beautiful. I don’t think can beat this but probably, I felt like I turned into a double quartz from both ends, and I was crystal energy inside. It was stabilizing me while I was in my bed, I could feel my body. I felt very multi-dimensional, and I can move my consciousness around wherever I wanted to be. So it was like being in a “light ship” inside this physicality. It was really cool. And very stabilizing. And almost to the point of being nurturing. Beautiful.

I felt that I was in a shower, like sprinkling in a golden light. and it’s stayed until the end, it was nice. Thank you.

I saw what appeared to be a single star off in the distance. And then a layer of gold light, almost like clouds. But that star wasn’t a star, it was Divine Source. I checked. And, and then I was there for a while. And then next thing I my mind wandered next. I know, I was like, on earth, and I could see I think it was like a forest, it wasn’t very clear, but blue columns of light and green, you know, representing trees. And then it turned to gold, and I felt some joy, and then a lot more gold light.

I felt really tingly in my head and upper torso. And all of a sudden I could feel all this energy going through me to the point where my hair was sticking straight up.

This one came in a little strong at first, I felt like there was this surge of energy that went from the left side, down through my sinuses to the right, same way through my chest area and my ankles. They were pretty intense at first, kind of pressurized, and I thought I guess I need more clearing, but they eventually it evened out and all of a sudden, there was just this sense of truly uplifting calmness.

I felt it immediately in my third eye, but it felt like ripples. And then it’s almost like it was going to different dimensions.

That was a very nice experience. It reminded me of the feelings when we run it in the work on the world sessions. Although it was stronger, you could feel the tweaking and the tuning going on in the body. So, I had to just surrender and let go. I had this image of my body turning into the whole world. And this beautiful place, all within, and at the same time being projected outwardly as well. And so that was a very beautiful image and experience to see. And what I got also was the people near us being attuned to Embody Heaven on Earth Now, they will feel it. And they’ll get attuned to that, just in our presence.

This one started with all of these really light tingles and tickles all through the head and then spread down throughout the body. That stayed for half of it, and as that evened out, I started seeing a bunch of white flickering light, and it became more intense. But as that evened out, this overall sense of lightness and Freedom ran through my whole essence. That was very nice.

I was given certain levels of clairvoyance two years ago and it’s probably too early for them to hook me up on a soul clairvoyancy, and I felt that’s what happened here. I felt that I’m still in flames. I’m in flames. I felt that in my ears, my whole head.  There was a lot of sacred geometry, and I felt Metatron. Then I saw Shiva. And my eyes right now are in flames, a lot of gold, white, silver, and some platinum. So this was a huge adjustment for me. Thank you.

So, first it was just black. Then right down the bottom, I can see there’s an image that was on my field of view, you know, my mind’s eye is like a camera was misaligned or something. So in my mind, I pulled up that image and I can see is like, bright gold, it’s like room. And so I went into it, and it was so bright, I couldn’t really see anything.  I knew there were things. but this so bright, like fully saturated, all this bright gold light. And then with time, the gold lights sort of faded. And then faded more and I could see there’s a mountain behind them. And then with time, that faded more and then there’s blues and blacks and things and I could see a normal typical image, no mountain scene.  I really like mountains and stuff. And so things were messed up at first and I had to align things and then it’s too bright and had to be turned down. Like all these adjustments that went on. 

I see you waving in intensity with the energies. I’m the same way.  My whole body does this with the energy and I see you’re doing it too. It’s that same pulsing. It’s so cool. It’s like, that’s when I know I’m in the zone because it’s always like that. And Debbie. Yeah. That feeling of the hair standing straight out. Oh my gosh. I mean, it took a long time, and my palms are totally dripping wet right now with perspiration. I experienced that for a long time, and as I’m finally acclimating I don’t feel that hair thing all the time, but I felt it for a very long time. This is so cool. It literally feels like sticking out on its end as far as it could go.

I felt like I was coming out of a sauna. My whole body was hot, pulsating and it definitely felt like the celestial fire was everywhere. And then I think it was working on my head and my eyes. I never really see too much because I’m not really visual, but I feel a lot.

So, for me, yes, that was very intense. A lot of tweaking and attunement going on in the third eye. Just the Third Eye nowhere else. And yeah, it required quite some presence and I just let it happen. And so yeah, I’m curious to run it afterwards and see how it holds there.

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