Divine Mother’s Planetary Energies

Divine Mother Planetary Energy Downloads: Receive a Download of all the Beneficial Qualities directly from the Sun and each Planet in our Solar System. It brings in the related Healing, Strength, Confidence, etc from the Sun and each Planet.

Receive or Send the blessing of the Sun and each of the Planets as often as you want to yourself and remotely to others.

Classes will offer 4 planets (starting with the Sun plus 3 planets) at a time. The price is $30 per planet/Sun, but the last class on Navaratna is $60 (instead of $5,000 for a physical version). So, the first 3 classes of 4 planetary energies each total = $120 per class, but the 4th class of 1 planet @ $30 and the Navaratna @$60 totals is $90. Each Class should only take 4 to 5 hours, depending on questions.

Sun: (aka: Surya in Jyotish Astrology)

The sun determines how you shine your light in this world.  It’s your creative spark and sense of vitality.  You might consider the astrological house it is in your Jyotish astrology chart. This can offer some insight on the main arena of life (e.g., career, family, travel, etc.) in which your essential purpose will be lived out.

Sun can be thought of as the Atma (soul) of all planets and the person as well. It possesses various positive traits such as being a fatherly figure, having immense strength, holds self-respect and authority. It is Sun that shows how a person projects himself onto the world. A strong Sun represents energy and authority, a weak Sun can make a person ego-centric/over-confident. You may need a strong Sun when it comes to your career and profession, but not when you deal with personal relationships.  Sometimes if the Sun is exalted, it may make the person arrogant and cruel, so something slightly less than exalted is considered desirable.

A Divine Solar Energy Download can result in more:

  • Confidence, Commanding Leadership
  • Power, Strength, Fatherly figure
  • Sun is like the Atma (soul) of all planets and people
  • How we project ourselves into the world
  • Will, Determination, Vitality
  • Positivity, Poise, Optimism, Fortitude
  • Self-Reliance, Individualism, Loyalty, Faith

Mercury (Budh):

Mercury is the planet of our intellect, mental life, communication, and internal dialogue.  It influences how we receive, process, and disseminate information. Hence, Mercury governs communication.  It gives us the power to manifest through our speech.  Mercury can determine how you analyse, process, and communicate information.  It symbolizes how we order our lives through routines, daily practices, and habits.

Mercury represents speech, Intelligence, grasping power, alertness, and logic.  Though Mercury plays a significant role throughout life, it assumes more importance during the early stage of education.

A Mercury Download can result in more:

  • Better communication with both physical and non-physical beings
  • Strengthening our Clairaudient abilities
  • Give us the ability to speak more easily before our peers
  • Brilliance. Alertness
  • Articulateness, Versatility
  • Discrimination, Awareness
  • Efficiency, Dexterity

Venus (Shukra)

Venus, the Morning Star, changes existence to ‘living’ through the addition of love, art, and beauty in all aspects of our life.  Venus shows us all forms of love except romantic love, that’s Neptune’s role.  It rules our sentiments, values, and pleasures we enjoy in life.  Venus shows us what makes us happy.  Venus also represents romance, beauty, sex life, relationships, be it with the spouse/business associates. Many may not know, but a good Venus is essential for your professional life.

Venus deals with our self-worth.  Its power relates to how we experience pleasure, our urge for partnership, our ability to mediate conflict, and our social graces.  A Venus Energy Upgrade will enable you to embrace life and enjoy it.  It enhances your sense of touch.  Also, it enhances the senses of taste and smell, making food & drinks taste a whole lot better. 

A Venus Energy Upgrade may be useful with health issues of the brain that involve the hypothalamus and pituitary, such as in hormonal imbalances, and the substantia nigra, such as in Parkinson’s Disease.  Also, the lymphatic and immune system disorders and will stimulate these systems to purify the blood by removing foreign and unwanted impurities.

A Venus Download can result in more:

  • Purity that results from the burning away of impurity
  • Innocence
  • Compassion
  • A Love of Luxury and Fine things
  • A Sweetness in life, and the enjoyment of sweet foods
  • Beauty, Art, Attractiveness,
  • Love, Gentleness, 
  • Affection, Femininity,
  • Responsiveness, Cooperativeness,
  • Harmonious, Constructiveness,
  • Refinement 

Mars (Mangal / Kuja)

Mars denotes courage, passion, bravely, strength and confidence. But in many aspects of life, you don’t need all this equally. A strong Mars can help you in your career and profession but can adversely affect your married life.

Mars also represents fire energy.  Without the fire of life, there is no action. Mars is responsible for getting all aspects of our Being (spirit, mind, emotions, and body) moving.

Fiery and energetic (fittingly, the planetary ruler for Aries), Mars represents our physical drive, which is why determining the sign in which your Mars falls can offer some insight into a workout regimen that’ll work best for your body.

For example, someone with their Mars in Cancer might prefer the mind-body-connection elements of yoga, whereas someone with Mars in Gemini could enjoy changing it up with a rotating set of high-intensity cardio classes. And because of its connection to the physical and its association with energy and passion, Mars is also the planet that rules over our sexual needs.

If you are procrastinating or afraid of doing something, a Mars Energy Download can push you to act.  It gives you the courage, passion and focus to follow through with your ambitions.

A Mars Energy Download may be useful with health issues of the brain involving motor pathways, the hypothalamus & amygdala.  It can help you with anxiety and stress conditions related to adrenal gland issues.  Also, health issues with your kidneys, skeletal muscles, and feet.

A Mars Divine Energy Download confers the qualities of:

  • Initiative
  • A “Can Do” attitude
  • Assertiveness
  • Decisiveness
  • Focus
  • Dynamic Energy
  • Passion
  • Courage
  • Primeval drives
  • Adventurous
  • Indomitable will to succeed.
  • Invigorates life-force energy.
  • Masculinity
  • Independence

Earth / Gaia (Terra / Bhumi)

Earth is Mother, Earth is home.  All living things here are nourished and sustained through the physical and energetic environment provided and maintained by Mother Earth/Gaia.  Without this sustenance, life degenerates.  Earth is also special to us because it represents the canvas on which we paint our lives.  This is a place where we can realize our dreams and manifest our Divinity.  A Terran Download may seem unnecessary because most of life here is already connected to Mother Earth and immersed in her nurturing energy.  However, mankind has a freewill and can choose actions and living situations that break this connection.  For those in need, a Terran Download can help them regain their connection with Nature.  And, in doing so, it energizes, reduces stress, promotes good health, enhances empathic abilities, and grounds spirituality.

A Terran Download confers the qualities of: 

  • Intuition
  • Compassion
  • Enhanced empathic abilities
  • Strengthened clairsentience
  • Better communication with Mother Earth/Gaia
  • Adaptability
  • Nourishing
  • Calming
  • Good health
  • Reduced stress
  • Being Grounded & Centered
  • Promotes alpha brain waves

Practical Application:  Of all the planetary washes, a Terran Download is probably the best for maintaining good health because it restores our connection with Gaia/Mother Earth.  It revitalizes life force energy (Chi) and clears the blocks and restrictions that impede the flow of Chi throughout the body.  A Terran Download augments Reiki and QiGong healing energies.  It has a soothing and relaxing effect on the body, calming the mind, reducing stress, and thereby, promoting good health.

A Terran Download may be useful for health issues involving the respiratory system, skeletal system, and the reproductive organs.  Also, it may help mitigate some of the disruptive effects of EMF radiation on the body, especially for those who are already hypersensitive to EMF.

Moon (Chandra)

Requires Lunar/Terran Correction Energy afterwards. 

The Moon rules the rhythmic ebbs and flow of Earth’s tides.  As with the sea, it rules our emotions (energy in motion) giving us anything from gentle waves to a flood of overwhelming feelings.  For all living things here, the Moon governs growth, biorhythms, reproductive cycles, and sexual drives.  On an astrological level, the Moon dictates emotions, and unconscious desires.  It teaches us about getting in touch with our inner feelings and needs, and also, how to better control emotional outbursts, habits, and instinctual drives.

A Lunar Download confers the qualities of:  

  • Balanced emotions
  • Passion
  • Imagination
  • Dreamer
  • Creativity
  • Intuition
  • Tempered primeval drives
  • Balance
  • Moderation
  • Sentimental
  • Instinctual
  • Rhythmicity
  • Habitual behavior

Practical Application:  A Lunar Download brings balance and harmony to our emotions by helping release our emotional blocks.  If you feel especially moody or mentally unstable at the time of a full moon, this energy will help sooth and stabilize your emotions and mind.  Also, it dampens “out-of-control” addictive behavior by restoring balance and harmony to our inner cravings, desires, and primeval drives.  This wash is especially helpful for souls that did not originate on Earth.

A Lunar Download may be useful for health issues of the brain involving the limbic system and hypothalamus.  It helps restore balance to irregular circadian rhythms, sleep cycles and menstrual cycles.  Also, it may be helpful for infertility issues and health issues of the tongue.

Lunar/Terran Correction Energy

This is a supplemental Seraphic energy that facilitates our ability to better receive Lunar Download energy.  Mankind has changed over the last ten millennia in such a way that we have difficulty maintaining our connection with Gaia/Mother Earth and especially the Moon.  This energy forms a stabilizing bridge between us and the essence of our Moon so we can more easily receive and sustain this energy.  

It needs to be administered after Lunar Downloads until recipients are able to better receive and integrate this energy on their own.

Jupiter (Guru / Brihaspati)

Jupiter governs our potential for growth and expansion in all areas of our Being (spirit, mind, and body).  Through our experience of growth and expansion, Jupiter teaches us about our unbounded potential. 

Practical Application:  Jupiter energy, working from behind the scenes, helps provide you with superb opportunities for career success.  When a Jupiter Energy Upgrade is invoked, it brings financial abundance, joy, good health, and good luck into your life. A Jupiter Energy Upgrade may be useful for health issues of the digestive system involving the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, and liver.  Also, issues with the urinary bladder.  

A Jupiter Download can result in:

  • Good Luck
  • Feeling of one’s cup flowing over
  • Generosity
  • Financial Abundance
  • Aspiration, Inspiration,
  • Understanding, Judgement,
  • Expansiveness, Growth, Prosperity, 
  • Faith, Optimism,
  • Friendliness, Joy,
  • Well-being, Good health


Although Saturn is well known and feared astrologically as a maleficent planet, let me remind you that only the beneficial qualities of Saturn are ever used in an Energy Upgrade. Through Saturn’s beneficial energy, we gain ancient wisdom and a deep understanding of Dharma and how our lives fit into the Master Plan for humanity.  Saturn, from behind the scenes, will help get your life in alignment with your dreams and aspirations like no other planet can.

Practical Application: One of the most common uses for a Saturn Energy Upgrade is to help mitigate negative astrological aspects of Saturn on your life.  Saturn energy can help bring stability and order to your life in chaotic and turbulent times.   It will also help you find your path in life, if you do not know.  Saturn energy removes mental blocks and restrictions in your life, enabling you to make the necessary changes to realize your dreams. A Saturn Energy Upgrade may be useful for health issues of the central nervous system and pituitary gland.

A Saturn Download can result in:

  • Ancient Wisdom
  • Value of Hard Work
  • Lessons Learned from Grief
  • Telepathy
  • Unicameral Mind
  • Lack of Individuation
  • Communication with Gaia
  • Knowledge of Dharma/assigned roles
  • Focus, Attention,
  • Order, Structure, Stability,
  • Integrity, Sense of responsibility, Work ethics,
  • Determination, Judgement, Synchronicity

Uranus (Arun / Harshal / Prajapati)

Uranus is the planet of destiny.  It governs genius and represents intuition that comes like lightening in a flash of knowingness.  It is the planet of sudden and unexpected changes, and it rules freedom and originality.

A Uranus Energy Upgrade will give you a spark of genius and originality in your life.  Hence, it is good before a job interview, or for impossible situations that you seemingly have no way out.  With the power of this energy, you may be surprised at the creative solutions to your problems that suddenly appear when needed.  A Uranus Energy Upgrade may be useful for health issues of the central nervous system and pituitary gland. 

A Uranus Download can result in:

  • Genius
  • Originality
  • Inventiveness
  • Playfulness
  • Sense of humour
  • Progressiveness
  • Intuition
  • Knowingness
  • Insight
  • Destiny
  • Unpredictability
  • Freedom
  • Revolutionary

Neptune (Varuna)

Neptune is a planet of spirituality and all things subtle.  It gives us spiritual, psychic, channelling, and musical abilities.  Neptune is a planet of inspiration, dreams, and romance.

A Neptune Energy Upgrade, if it’s your intention, will enhance your personal magnetism and help attract romantic love into your life.  Use Neptune energy for the enhancement and refinement of your spiritual, psychic, and channelling abilities.  If you are a musician, this energy will greatly augment your abilities and inspire you to create extraordinary works of music. A Neptune Energy Upgrade may be useful for health issues of the brain, pineal and skin. 

A Neptune Download can result in:

  • Musical ability
  • Spiritual ability
  • Understanding subtlety and nuances in everything
  • Romance
  • Seeing God in others
  • Sensitivity
  • Psychic and mystical power
  • Channelling ability
  • Dreams, night, or day

Pluto (Yama)

Pluto rules our subconscious mind.  It helps us recognize those aspects of ourselves that we keep hidden from our ego and the rest of the world. Pluto enables us to confront our inner demons and release our untapped spiritual potentials.  It gives us the ability to integrate all parts of ourselves, whether conscious or subconscious, into one wholeness of Being.  Pluto gives us the ability of seeing the subtle aspects of life and all things hidden from view in us and others.

A Pluto Energy Upgrade will give you “uncommon” common sense, and in doing so, enable you to make better choices.  In your personal relationships and life situations that you find frustrating and confusing, Pluto energy can help bring clarification by revealing the real reason behind your unpleasant situation.  This Energy Upgrade will enhance your ability to uncover subtle or hidden secrets about Nature or your neighbours.

A Pluto Energy Upgrade may be useful for health issues of the brain and hearing.  If you are ever afflicted with a mysterious illness, this Energy Upgrade may reveal its hidden root cause.  For this reason, Pluto energy works amazingly well for all kinds of healing, whether spiritual, mental, or physical. 

A Pluto Energy Download confers the qualities of:

  • Results in better judgment
  • Cuts through beliefs to see the real value of things.
  • Realization of evanescence of life (quality of being fleeting or vanishing quickly; impermanence)
  • Deeper Appreciation
  • Action based on life’s evanescence.
  • More direct, more to the point
  • Revealing
  • Subtlety
  • Integrative
  • Unboundedness
  • Discerning
  • Common sense


Rahu & Ketu (Shadow Planets)

Rahu and Ketu are part of the Vedic Astrological system called Jyotish. They are referred to as Shadowy Planets because they are not actual planets. Instead, they are powerful energy points where the orbit of the Moon intersects the ecliptic orbit of the Earth around the Sun.

Rahu (Ascending Node)

Rahu According to Vedic Jyotish Astrology

Rahu is the Ascending Lunar Node in Vedic Jyotish Astrology, which is the point of intersection of ascending node of lunar orbit with the elliptic plane of earth’s orbit.  Rahu represents the ascension of the moon in its precessional orbit around the earth. Rahu is the North lunar node (ascending) and it along with Ketu, causes eclipses where the Lunar and Earth orbits intersect. Rahu has no physical planetary body, so it is called a “Shadow” planet.  Instead, it has a major energy point where the Earth’s and Moon’s orbit intersect. Some would say it is an imaginary planet, but Rahu gets its massive power from Saturn and Rahu’s Deva works with that.  It would be a mistake to dismiss Rahu and Ketu as imaginary.  Considering the importance of Rahu in Vedic astrology, it has been allocated the status of a planet by the Rishis.  Because of its ability to bestow sudden luck gambling, Western astrologers regard it as the greatest benefic force, while Jyotish astrologers consider it primarily a malefic force.

A Rahu Download may confer the qualities of:

  • Material Manifestation and Worldly Desire
  • Spiritual process of evolution
  • Engrossing of spirit in materialization
  • Fame, Success in Politics, Money, and Physical Beauty
  • Manipulation, obsessive behavior 
  • Strengthening one’s Power
  • Converting even an enemy into a friend
  • Poisonous snake bites can be healed by the grace of Rahu
  • Giving power when rightly posited or exalted
  • Achieving all that gives Pleasure
  • Sudden Luck Gambling

Ketu (Descending Node)

Ketu According to Vedic Jyotish Astrology

Ketu is the descending (i.e. ‘south’) lunar node in Vedic Jyotish astrology.  According to accounts in Jyotish, Ketu belongs to Jaimini Gotra, whereas Rahu is from Paiteenasa gotra; hence the two are entirely different entities with distinct characteristics, but nonetheless are two parts of a common body. Ketu is generally referred to as a “shadow” planet since it has no physical planetary body; however, it is a very powerful energetic point created by the intersection of the Moon’s orbit and the ecliptic of the Earth.  It receives its tremendous power from Mars, and the Deva works with that.  It would be a mistake to dismiss Rahu and Ketu as imaginary.  Considering the importance of Rahu in astrology, it has been allocated the status of the planet by Rishis.  It is believed to have a tremendous impact on human lives and on the whole creation. In some special circumstances it helps someone achieve the zenith of fame.

Ketu represents karmic collections both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural influences. Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialization to the spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time turns the individual to God. In other words, it causes material loss in order to force a more spiritual outlook in the person. Ketu is a karaka or indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-attachment, fantasy, penetrating insight, derangement, and psychic abilities. Ketu is believed to bring prosperity to the devotee’s family, removes the effects of snakebite and illness arising out of poisons. He grants good health, wealth, and cattle to his devotees.

The people who come under the positive influence of Ketu can achieve great heights, most of them spiritual.

Rahu, being a karmic planet would show the necessity and urge to work on a specific area of life where there had been ignorance in the past life. To balance the apparent dissatisfaction, one must go that extra mile to provide a satisfactory settlement in the present lifetime. Rahu can remove all negative qualities of every planet, while Ketu can emphasize every positive quality of the planet.

Ketu is generally considered malefic and has been mostly associated with negative things.  Most people consider it a difficult planet as it brings lot of troubles on the material plane. It often brings a sense of complete detachment, losses, mindlessness, wandering, and confusion in one’s life.

Positive Significations: There is a much deeper side to Ketu, and it has been called the most spiritual of all planets. Ketu has been considered the planet of enlightenment and liberation. As the one who has “lost his head (worldly senses)” Being a personification of renunciation (torso without a head who needs nothing). Ketu the ascetic that wants to go beyond the mundane life and achieve the final liberation.

A Ketu Download may confer the qualities of:

  • Intelligence, Wisdom, Non-attachment, Fantasy, Penetrating Insight, Psychic Abilities.
  • Prosperity to the devotee’s family,
  • Removes the effects of snakebite and illness arising out of poisons.
  • Grants good Health, Wealth, and Abundance
  • Responsible for Moksha (enlightenment), Sannyasa, Self-realization, 
  • Gnana (knowledge), a wavering nature, restlessness.
  • Achieve great heights, most of them Spiritual.

Divine Navaratna

Traditional Navaratna with Nine Gemstones

Navaratna, According to Vedic Jyotish Astrology:

A Devine Navaratna can be considered to be the Culmination of the Seraphic Tour of the Solar System. A traditional Navaratna is ideally meant to be the organizer or balancer of the all the planetary energies within our subtle bodies, enhancing the positive planetary energies and neutralizing the negative energies.

Through the grace of Divine Mother and the Seraphim Angels we now have to opportunity to receive a Divine Energy Navaratna that brings together all the planetary energies in perfect harmony and positive effects. This has not been fully possible before now because of the very dense and limited nature of human consciousness in the past.

Some planets are friendly with each other, some neutral, and some are natural enemies. Prior to this, some planets and its Deva essentially played their own music or frequencies with little regard for the other planets. This effect in our lives can be chaotic, to say the least. However, the New Divine Energy Navaratna, under the guidance of Divine Mother, brings all the planets into harmony and proper order so they can all play together like a Symphony, instead of like a rollercoaster of chaos. This is why we now call it the Divine Conductor.

The Navaratnas are the nine gemstones related to the nine planets analyzed in a chart per Indian or Jyotish Astrology. These Navaratna ornaments containing the nine gem stones connect the energies of the nine planets or Navagrahas.   They are also useful for Chakra therapy where the gemstones are used to attune the seven main chakra energies.

The aim of such type of practice is to stabilize the forces of each Chakra and so align the physical/emotional/mental body complex in a holistic way. In this way, a Navaratna is beneficial for reducing many difficulties and worries from our life.

The gems and related planet:         Planets

Natural Ruby:                                        Sun

Natural Emerald or Onyx:                  Mercury

Natural Pearl:                                        Moon

Natural Diamond:                                 Venus

Natural Red coral:                                 Mars

Natural Blue Sapphire:                         Saturn

Natural Yellow Sapphire or Topaz:     Jupiter

Natural Hessonite:                                 Rahu

Natural Cat’s eye:                                  Ketu

In a Navaratna, the Gemstones can be used as a beneficial measure for strengthening the positive impacts of planets and reducing the negative ones.  Navaratna ornaments can come in the form of necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets, pendants, bangles, armlets, and other trinkets.

A few additional benefits of a Navaratna are:

  • It removes problems and delays in business deals.
  • It removes problems in education.
  • It removes complications and delays marriage by reducing conflicting energies.
  • It also reduces stress and depression by harmonizing the planetary energies.
  • It eradicates unexplained family problems due to energetic and karmic conflicts.
  • It also improves concentration by calming and clearing the mind and emotions.
  • In general, it removes or protects us from many forms of negativity in life.
  • It also removes evil effects of malefic planets.

It is also known that as the planets’ positions keep changing, so do the Dasha and Mahadasha time cycles of the planets in a chart. According to Jyotish astrology, any harmful or negative energies of the planetary transits can be balanced by the positive and beneficial effects of the planets when wearing Navaratna jewelry.

A traditional Navaratna is ideally meant to be the organizer or balancer of the all the planetary energies within our bodies, enhancing the positive planetary energies and neutralizing the negative energies; however, to do it right, one must have an enlightened Jyotish astrologer to analyze your chart and design your Navaratna, and then $5,000 to $30,000 to spend on the highest “Jyotish quality” gemstones.

Navaratnas can be worn as a pendent, ring, crown, necklace, bracelet, or chest plate.  In this course, we ask Divine Mother and the Seraphim Angels to design the best Divine Energy Navaratna for each person in a Divine Energy format and in a style of person’s choosing, and then install it on the person where it then merges into their body.  Then periodically, as needed, the recipient can ask Divine Mother and the Seraphim to refresh and adjust it to harmonize the planets according to any planetary changes or new cycles occurring in the person’s chart.

Here are some other examples of Navaratna designs:

Planetary Belt

Since Jyotish Astrology primarily focuses on Nine Planets, 2 of which are Shadow Planets, we also want to honor and respect the other planets in our Solar System, Earth, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, which brings the total to 13.

So Divine Mother and the Seraphim have also created a Planetary Belt with each of the 13 planets, including the Sun, to be worn aroun our waists as a belt. This is also included in the Navaratna package.

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