Ayurvedic Rasayana Experiences

Experiences of the New Divine Ayurvedic Rasayanas and Remedies

Experiences for 2023-12-09 Class:

Immediately I was washed in this cool breeze around me. It was really neat and light. And I started to leave, like yay, take me. We go. I’ll take I’ll take a trip. And then there was the one right after that one. I got so much heat around my heart or my lungs. But on the outside, it was really weird. I’ve been fighting off a cold for the last three weeks that just doesn’t want to leave, so it was really cool, my lungs cleared at the end of that. So that was really cool.

I just realized that. I’m back to normal because I was having a fever and runny and stuffy nose for days, so I was breathing through my mouth. During that energy, so many minutes passed, and it just dawned on me, hey, I’m back to normal and breathing through my nose.  Totally different now.

I haven’t really had a cold or anything, but I have been a little nasally, a little bit in the chest here and there. And I could feel it release and open as these energies ran. So very nice, for sure.

I kept leaning back like I was on a roller coaster. And I’d have to remember to lean forward because I was just totally blissed out. So really, really relaxing. Thank you. And Divine Alchemy, yes, pulling it all together.

I just wanted to share a little story about Ashwagandha Rasayana, In the first class, I had some neck issues and it helped me to get rid of it, and it’s still all perfect. And then I used it in a class, I had a one on one, Seraphim Blueprint class with it, actually an Ayurveda practitioner in in Switzerland. And she was saying that she had some back pain going down her right leg. And then I offered her Hey, maybe I’ll try this Ashwagandha Rasayana on you, and we’ll see how it goes. And she said the pain left and it felt like it was never there. Like, totally gone! So, the Ashwagandha is quite interesting.

I think this class is so powerful. I don’t even know where to start. But recently, I had surgery, and when we did the Ashwagandha, it really worked on this part of me. It reminded me Yeah, it’s not healed yet, and now I’m really getting real help, then. Yeah, oh, yeah. And then when we went to the Chyavanprash, that brought the breath of fire in again. Oh, my God, I’m glad I’m not on video. It is so strong. And that’s the second time it happened to me was your original class was the same thing, and I feel So good. And I have to say with the Divine Alchemy, it was a wonderful experience. First, it was very subtle, and then it started to work on the fingers, the brain, the lungs, and then the whole body started shaking, moving into positions that I didn’t even know I could do. I wonder why, this was just wonderful. It just feels so totally, you know, loose and free. Yeah, thank you.

Very, very, very deep. So, it took me a long time to come back there. And that the Divine Alchemy was very beautiful. I think I’m still trying to process. That’s all I can convey at this moment. But thank you, John, amazing.

Thanks, John, for the energies. Again, for me, they trigger the Breath of Fire. Okay. After a while, I don’t know what I’m experiencing. So, it’s hard to say, but it’s Good!

The attunement was subtle, but the activation of it was very strong. It was like it needed a job with the intention put in. Then it was really strong, very strong. Like a job, give me a job and I’ll show you what Divine Alchemy can do. Let’s show you what I can do. Yeah, it was a very strong!

Experiences sent in for course 2023-11-02.

Thank you John and Divine Mother for the beautiful and potent Rasayana divine energies.  I’ve been running one every day, rotating them one day after the other for the past month or so. 

I haven’t been able to differentiate the specific qualities between each of them in terms of effects, but overall, the most striking one is a dramatic sense of rejuvenation and energy. The energies are very energetic on a physical, intellectual, and spiritual level.

On a physical level, I’ve naturally slept less since after the first week or so running the energies, yet I feel more energetic throughout the day. It has been very surprising to me, as 7-8h of sleep wasn’t enough for me sometimes, especially when working long hours on consecutive days. Now, no dragging out of the bed anymore. 

I’ve gone to the gym a few times since running the energies, and the little I could say in that regard is that I haven’t necessarily more strength, but I do perceive better and longer endurance when doing cardio or working out. The recovery time is also shorter. I’ll explore that more when I have the chance to exercise more often in the next few weeks.

On an intellectual level, what’s become apparent is the capability to focus for longer periods of time. I see it when working longer hours in the last week or so, and not feeling as strained as I was in the past. I do see the benefit of this in my mindfulness meditation practice as well. If the mind were a muscle, the Rasayana divine energies flush out all the toxins out of it, making the working out more enduring and easier.

On a spiritual level, it seems there has been some cleansing making it more apparent what doesn’t serve me well. When willfully letting that go, it’s helping make room for what’s more beneficial for my spiritual journey. The powerful gift of free will becomes more apparent and significant with the intellectual and spiritual clarity the Rasayana divine energies brings about. I’ve been running other energies for that purpose, but the Rasayana energies help hone intuition as well.

In a few words, I’d compare the Rasayana divine energies to not only highly potent vitamin supplements that nourish the body, but that also cleanse off all the junk out of it in the first place. With the resulting clarity on all levels, discernment becomes clearer, and the beauty of our own free will and our own gifts come to the forefront. 

These energies are a turbo boost to my spiritual growth in ways I hadn’t imagined. Thank you so much John, Divine Mother!

Testimonials sent in from course on 2023-10-21.

Thank you for the fantastic workshop with new energies.  Here is what I wrote for you after the workshop yesterday.

ASHWAGANDHA felt wonderful. It started with gentle movement of my neck and then it stopped and complete bliss happened. 

CHYAWANPRASH – This energy felt like a teacher telling me what to do. It started with the warmth on my face, on the forehead, cheeks and around my mouth – when I was asked why, I received the answer to healing the sinuses. Then the heat went into the abdominal section and the energy said, “get rid of the fat as it takes away the vitality”. And then the coolness showed up in my knees. So, my whole body was heated with the exception of my knees, which were cold. They were still cold after we finished. 

The energy said “use me as I will direct your appetite for what to eat. The more you use me the more vital you will be”. It said, “you are on the right path, and I will help but you have to use me”. It felt like it was adjusting the entire physical body, and I did want to come back. Now I feel like I want to take a nap.

SHILAJIT – it started with me being very thirsty. Then it became very quiet. When I came back my body felt much cooler and very comfortable. Chyawanprash made me extremely hot and Shilajit cooled me down to a very comfortable feeling. It resonates with water flowing in the system and balancing the organs.

AMALAKI – when I began to connect with the fruit, I entered a very interesting conversation with my spiritual council. I felt that Amalaki is all about sweetness and the form of sugar easily digestible (including for diabetics) and very needed by the body. Suddenly I began to wish that we had a fruit full of protein. Then I was taken in my mind to a time when we did the Work on the World, and I traveled to a different planet. That planet had a big yellow orange fruit that was all protein. Practically the fruit was 100% protein. I asked my Spirit guides if they can bring that protein fruit to our planet because we will save the planet by that and stop killing the animals, but they say it’s not possible because that tree that produces the protein fruit requires different nutrients from the soil that Earth does not have. They also said that Earth soil is very much depleted, and we don’t take proper care of it. That protein tree will require high content of iron and magnesium in the soil, and it will completely take over our environment. They also said that if animals eat that fruit, they will become bigger and stronger which will present new danger and insecurities for humans. So, planet Earth is not ready to receive the seed of the tree that produced this 100% protein fruit. The spirits said that they actually gave us valuable seeds but the most valuable fruit / vegetable on the planet right now is an avocado. Interestingly humans do not choose to grow avocados as much as they could. Humans choose to grow fruits and vegetables that are less valuable for our bodies, like potatoes or corn or sugar cane. The guide said that most people should not be consuming as many potatoes as they do, and some should not consume them at all as it’s not beneficial for our system. Then we chose tomatoes which became extremely popular and yet they are also not beneficial for most humans. So, the spiritual Council was saying “we gave you a lot of goodness, but humanity always chooses what is the least beneficial.”  The Amalaki energy felt light and happy and very, very, sweet. Like the sweetness is elevating the whole body and mind. Very relaxing and wonderful.

ARJUNA – This one started right away with a feeling as though it was expanding my chest and lightening my heart. And then begin to flow into my veins clearing the arteries and the entire cardiovascular system. After a moment, I felt it in my legs, and I wanted to move. After I came out, I felt very focused and very optimistic. I’m happy and I’m feeling like everything is perfect as it is. 

TRIPHALA – truly I couldn’t stay focused or still. My body needed to move, and I felt hungry. GT

When we ran the energies together after the attunements, it felt absolutely wonderful. I went into a space of absolute bliss and harmony. I was wrapped in a warm blanket of love and stillness. No thought, and no disturbance, (which is beyond amazing as my current life has tons of changes and I was too much in my head). 

After the class, I felt like my body wanted to stay still for another period of time and in that stillness the healing was still happening. Everything within my physical body, every organ, every cell was adjusting to a new balance. The sensation of complete cleanness and detoxification was very powerful. I felt like I didn’t even want to activate my mind to think. That separation for ego thinking mind was long lasting, for the rest of the day and was the best gift I could ask for. Everything felt so clear what to do next and what decision to make as they will be right. In the evening I felt like I just got a brand-new body.  With all my best wishes, AH

I am writing from Turkey.  I would like to provide feedback on the “Divine Ayurvedic Medicines and Rasayanas” course I attended. First of all, thank you very much. It was amazing. Each session had its own flavor, and I could feel the energies. In the last sessions, I had a lot of pain in the middle of my head and between my eyebrows. The next day, I started to experience significant changes in my digestive system. I have digestive problems, but after this session, the problems began to decrease. It was wonderful. UU.

I have no words for what has transpired.  5 weeks of pain that was increasing daily & literally had become excruciating. The same day of your work I was 98 percent pain free. No pain pills!   I can now lay on my back & left side, but if I do, I just feel a very slight sensation.  You have no idea what a relief I am feeling.  So grateful & happy I can sleep in my bed again!  Thank you, thank you, thank you John!!  CM

I really enjoyed the class. What I found most profound was the beautiful sense of well-being in my body. I have continued to run the energies regularly as part of my self-care. I am finding it easier to be fully grounded into my body. I am noticing less episodes of unintentionally floaty energy. Thank you for this beautiful gift. FU. 

My experience was that when attunements moved from one to the next, I went deeper and deeper.  My brain said, “got be kidding”, still kept going in a deep state.  That was amazing, and still continues.  Overall, I am healthy, at the same time I feel lifted up by the energy when I meditate and run these energies.  Thanks again, have a nice evening.  YS

Hi John,

Since I took the class I was in an unusual situation as I had oral surgery 9 days ago for a severe infection that was not healing by itself, hence the surgery. A week after it, the dentist checked and declared that I was healing well. The following day I went to my Holistic NP who tested me on her bio meridian machine. She could not believe the results: kidney, liver, pancreas functions were perfect, blood pressure down. She said it made no sense, considering that my body was hard at work clearing the surgery.  Well. I had a smile to myself and can only attribute it to the wonderful healing power of this Ayurvedic Rasayana class.  When I run Chyawanprash, I feel a lot of tingling in the teeth and sinus area and when I run Amalaki Rasayana I feel it too, but in a more subtle way.  Then my entire body shakes for the duration of the meditation, don’t know why, but it’s amazing.  Many thanks, John, for bringing these amazing energies into our world. YF 



I can’t remember everything. I remember the beginning. And I wasn’t asleep, but I just wasn’t here. I don’t remember. I don’t know where I went. But I was somewhere. But I feel very good. I don’t know. I just can’t say anything. I just felt great. That’s all. That was great.

That felt incredible. I’ve been really stressed out the last couple of days.  When you started running the energies, I just felt like honestly, my stress, my worries, everything just went away. And it was like a peaceful wash everywhere, and I am not stressed at all right now. And that feels incredible. Because I don’t even know what that is.  Yeah, I didn’t go away. I was here for the whole thing. Because I was trying to make sense of it. I was trying to rationalize in my head. How did it feel so incredible in seconds, and it’s almost like anesthesia or it’s numbing is what I would tell you. I’m so calm. Right now. I’m giddy. Good. So, thank you.

Hi, yeah, numbing was a good word. It was coming in and it was really powerful, but it was really cool, it wasn’t uncomfortable, but I was thinking of wow my brain and where my sinuses are, because I had been crying a lot from stress as well, and I could just feel it pouring into these areas. And it had this tingling effect, but not the normal tingling I’m used to.  It was having a numbing effect. It really did. And at some point, I don’t even know where I was. I wasn’t asleep, but I feel very relaxed. So, the same phenomenon over here. Thank you.

When it started, the energy seemed to pour down on my head. And then I felt like I was in a nice warm oven.  It’s kind of a warm and gentle kind of thing. And then somewhere in the middle, I felt like someone was pulling some strands of hair on my crown chakra.

Beautiful as always, very gentling. I take ashwagandha for stress and anxiety. I loved this.  Very beautiful. I was very interested to feel the difference between this and the ashwagandha I take as a supplement. Of course, this is better. But I felt the same. Just a really, a really deep gentling. And just a beautiful sense of wellbeing, so I loved it. Thank you so much.

So, when we started, my neck started moving. And I was like, what is this, and then you talked about the Breath of Fire might happen. And I thought, Oh, interesting. And the neck was moving, moving, moving, especially to the left and then it stopped. And when it stopped there was this wave of bliss.  Absolute amazing bliss.  So, for me I was present, I didn’t go somewhere far away. But the bliss was so wonderful. And when we finished my body felt in absolute balance. I can feel every muscle, every organ being in absolute harmony with each other, and such peace. I never took ashwagandha in my entire life. So, I was very curious how it’s gonna feel. And I absolutely love this energy because it was balancing my physical system very much.

That was a very nice experience. Most of the focus was on the third chakra. So, the energy must have been going through there. And I’d say maybe the first couple of minutes, it was like an assessment as to what would be best for my body. That very present, very quiet, gentle, and being taken care of. After that I felt that energy flow increasing and an actual substance coming through. And there was this sort of expansion, but within, and I got pictures of medicinal leaves, turning around and going through the solar plexus. This inner expansion felt very delightful and blissful. And the last 30 seconds, I got some last-minute blessings, and it sounds really nice. Thank you for this.

It was great, John. I did feel Breath of Fire too. Which started from my chest and then went up. So, there was some attunement that was happening.

Wow, Wow. Well, at first, I felt a tingling in my face and then it went down, I felt like to my Self. That’s what it felt like. But then I went so far away that I had to ask you when I came back because I felt like I was sleeping for an hour.

This time my total body was tingling, I kind of felt that very slight burn all over everywhere in a mild and gentle way.  Then halfway through I felt a little more concentration around the heart and chest area. And near the end, I could feel that my whole respiratory system has been cleared in a sense. At least it’s working on that. I was semi-enjoying it, it was almost like I had that menthol cream “icy hot” or something on a sore muscle where you can feel a little bit of warmth and whatnot inside, but on the outside the coolness, so very nice overall.

I had some release in the neck area happening like you could you hear a sound. And this one felt like moving on top of it very uplifting because lately I’ve been feeling very tired because of what’s going on in the world. And also, the expansion in the heart and the chest was really good. So yeah, this was definitely needed for me today. Thank you.

I had a lot of tingles on my right side.  There was a warm, sunny glow coming over me, and towards the end the bridge of my nose had a lot of pressure. It was like wearing an oxygen mask.

I could feel them moving around me as I had my eyes closed. And that was really cool. It was like, what do you guys do? And they’re like, just be calm, it’s fine.  It was just amazing. I felt like I had just come to a spa, like the body wash, so you’re walking through your carwash, but it’s for the body. And it just felt so top to bottom. Yeah, it was beautiful.

So, this one when it started, felt like it’s more the energy of a teacher. And it started with warmth, but very prominent warmth on my face, on the forehead, cheeks and around the mouth. And obviously, the mind kicks in asking why? And energy answered right away. I’m healing the sinuses. And even though I don’t have sinus attacks or anything, energy again said, you have allergies. So, then the heat went to my abdominal section. And here, the energy said to me, like a teacher who gives me directions, almost like orders, get rid of the fat, it takes away your vitality. And I was just like, something slapped me, okay? And, and then right away a very prominent coolness shows up in my knees. It is still there, my knees are cold, my whole body is warm, and the knees are cold. And I didn’t get an answer, except that you’re going to work more.  So, I was kind of, okay, I’m going deeper, maybe it’s my mind. So shut off the mind and go deeper, don’t think, and the energy just starts talking to me saying I will direct your appetite. What is healthy for you to eat, but you have to use me. And then I went somewhere deeper. Like, you know, we go away, the mind doesn’t think, it is empty. And then the voice, the energy voice came back and said, you are on the right path, but you have to use me. And it felt like my entire physical body was adjusting. I feel warm and my knees are cold.  I feel like I want to lay down. I didn’t want to come back from this one. It was totally different than ashwagandha. Totally different.

You say you ran it for 12 minutes, but it felt more like three minutes. It was fast, extremely fast, like I was in a spaceship going somewhere fast.  It told me to cut all unnecessary cords to whatever and whoever no longer serves me to my greatest highest good and that new cords can be reestablished when both sides are healthy instead of one side being so much healthier than the other.

This attunement felt like a continuation of the first one.  It was more global. I got warm right way, there was this sort of electrifying sensation that I had to surrender to. So yeah, it was a little bit more intense, I had to really let go to go through. What stood out the most was the sense relaxation and peace towards the end, very similar to the first attunement and I just felt really good.


That was amazing. I had resistance at first.  Then I let go and it came in.  It was very angelic Energy and very pure. It was full body, and then I felt it going to different parts of my body and at one point went to my knees. I was like, yay.  I felt like I was in a floating chamber. When you said, we’re finished. I’m like, really? Come on. No. Really, let’s keep going.

I agree. I didn’t want this one to end as well. It was very lovely for me. It was very, very deep. Very cooling. Not like my skin was cold. But like, my body inside was very, very cool. I can even feel the cool in my eyes which was very interesting. It felt very healing, very nurturing, very, very deep. I also didn’t want to come back with this one, very beautiful. I feel like this has some really amazing regenerative properties that felt very healing. I loved it. Thank you so much.

It’s funny everybody’s talking about getting chilly.  I actually called out to my son to bring a blanket and wrap it around because I was getting so cold.  It was going all over and just so relaxing.  It was so beautiful, all of these going deeper and deeper, and very relaxing and soothing, but how very physical it feels.  It’s a lot with the sinuses and the facial pressures, but as well as other parts of the body, it’s so interesting, the commonality that a lot of people are having Thank you.

So, this was overall body just like the others, but it seemed to be more concentrated in the upper body, chest, head, arms. And just like most everyone, it seemed to concentrate a lot on the sinus work and overall coolness.  I too was like, Okay, I’ll have to get a blanket real quick before the next one.

So, for me, I felt it around the third eye at the beginning and then it moved down and kind of ignited some heat in my heart center and then moved to my digestion, and towards the end I actually did not want to come back or out of it. It kept running but I felt almost like in my lower belly area the inner fire Tumo was ignited.  Like it started burning, I really enjoyed it, and it was more intense than the ones before.

Yeah, just in two words. Deep Relaxation. Really deep relaxation.

It was very, very, relaxing. I also didn’t want it to end.  I have a heating pad on my massage table. So, my back feels very warm, but the top of my body feels very cool. I didn’t get a blanket, but I will this time.  I feel very, very, good. Very good.


That was really soft and fluffy. I thought I fell asleep a little bit.

I would agree that was pretty subtle and just kind of floaty. Going off into Neverland.

I’m trying to think, you go so much in depth that you just can’t imagine. I can’t really think, my body’s just so relaxed and yeah, it’s like, just be there.

It is so relaxing. Like layer over layer over layer on layer that you just feel so great. I feel so wonderful. I did not want to get up. But I pushed myself to get up off the bed to come to this camera. It’s beautiful. I have a client that’s coming later tonight. And I’ll run it on him, he really needs it.

I felt that quite good running through the whole body, almost on the cellular level, reaching everywhere. And I got the thought, I did not want to stop it either. Is there a possibility we could create a cocktail with all these energies and run them daily on us to make it quick.

I feel so relaxed, and so peaceful. It’s absolutely wonderful. Each time we go through and add a little more, I feel more and more relaxed.

I’m just adding my two cents is basically an agreement with everyone else. I love how these energies seem to build on each other. And I just have this really lovely sense of physical well-being, which I’m not sure I’ve had for some time. Um, so it just feels really good to be in my body right now, which for me is very interesting. So that’s very beautiful.


I feel wonderful, as usual with this session and every session also. But I feel like it was more for my brain. I don’t know if that’s what it’s supposed to do. But that’s what it did for me, it’s clearer, I have such clarity. I feel stronger in my mind. Just feels I am stronger in my mind, and probably my whole body. But my brain feels really great. My head feels wonderful. 

I felt such a great outpouring of love for everyone and everything that it was quite overwhelming. They just poured and poured and poured out of me.

My lips were tingling, and I can breathe a lot better. I have a lot of allergies, so breathing is hard. But at one point, there was a green channel from my heart space to the Divine, and I heard a lot of heart health, heart health, heart health. So, very interesting.

I thought I was being crazy because it was in my brain, and it was specifically around the frontal lobe. And I was asking Divine Mother, is this actually happening?  Am I just feeling this because you were saying it, and she goes Trust What You Hear, and I was like, okay, okay. But because I’ve had a couple of brain injuries in my life. So my fear is getting Alzheimer’s because that’s one of the side effects of brain injuries. And she was saying that yes, it’s clearing the plaques and whatever causes Alzheimer’s. At the end, it was intense and almost painful, which even though they say you can’t feel in the brain, I do. It was still going, and she said this will carry on for days. So even though they had stopped doing what they were doing, she said the healing will carry on for days. So that was interesting, and an overall sense of lightness, as well. So, I think that was the love part coming out and gratitude.

I had a few flutters in that in my heart and chest, and then all of a sudden, I noticed like the fluttering turned in and what reminded me of a pinball, bing, bing, bing, bing, not hard.  It was very gentle and soft, going around through my ribcage area.  After that, it dissipated. And the energy went down my whole left leg and concentrated in the left foot which became very heavy. It was a strong sense of energy, heaviness. And I tried to move it and it was like, oh, it is heavy, like it’s swelling up. But it’s since dissipated and calmed down and eased out.

So, this one was started right away in my chest. And it felt like my chest cage was growing bigger, bigger, and bigger, almost like past my physical body. And then it felt like the heart is so light, like a feather. It was beautiful. And then the energy began to flow into the veins. And I was like, wait a minute, there are arteries too, but the energy continue going all the way down to my legs. I didn’t feel any pain or warm or cold. I just felt like I want to move my legs, like start walking right away, start walking. And so, I started moving my feet and then a little bit in my knees, and it felt really very good. Then it calmed down. And now when we came back, I feel so focused in my mind.  Before, I wanted to take a nap. Now I feel focused, and I feel happy and optimistic. I feel like everything is perfect. Let’s share this perfection and the feeling of whatever it is. It’s perfect. Who cares? Just be happy. Really interesting.

I do a modality called Dowsing, right? And I do my health check every morning. Because I have some bad cholesterol, with my last labs. And I’ve been monitoring it and doing something to lower it. And I just dowsed about it since everybody started talking. And it’s negative, I had none. I had 30% this morning.  After these energies so far, it’s going into the negative, I have no bad cholesterol. And blood sugar is even. Not high, not low, just perfect. And it wasn’t perfect this morning. So, this stuff is working.


I had a lot of lip tingles and nostril tingles again. I’ve just had a lot of pressure in my head nice not really strong. And then I just floated away.

I did not read the notes before we started. And on that one I got it was doing something about my teeth and gums too, so I was surprised to hear that Rasayana had something to do with dental stuff.

Pretty much the same as what everyone else is saying. I had implants on the right side, and I felt pain there. But it’s not there now.

I feel great. I think I’ve just absorbed so much energy, or maybe shifted to the extent that I don’t really have the ability to define anything anymore. I just feel really, really, great. And I’m sure whatever I needed is being done. But I really look forward to playing with this last one, I’m just still floating.

Again, I felt a lot of pressure and pain in my head (from the accident injuries). But I was getting it was all well, and, and then after, about halfway through, I started to get that movement all around, like I was getting all these devas going up and down my body. That was so cool. Because it’s like you close your eyes and it’s like having like these little beings moving all over you fixing things.

The one that really came to mind was the Amalaki. And I asked Divine Mother what was going on, and I got that I was getting healing at a cellular level. It was like, my knees and my ligaments and my feet Were being redone, and the blood vessels throughout all that area. I was surprised at the difference between the actual attunement, compared to you running it. It was quite intense.

They were pretty strong coming in. The one that stood out for me was the Triphala. It must be something I needed. And at the end, that last one you ran made me very cold, I actually had to put the heater on, but it felt great. Everything, just thank you John, these were amazing. All I could think about is how much I can use this with people, even with my own parents in my house on a daily basis. How much I could help them with all of their ailments. Besides all mine.

Pretty much all of the energies, we’re running around the whole body. The ashwagandha originally was just nice and even until it went into like a vortex of energy, throbbing throughout, which was which was fine. I felt that as very calming. And when you ran the Chyavanprash, it went mostly up to my upper back, and solar plexus, arms chest, and I felt in my head and frontal area. Then all of a sudden I had these little itchy tingly type sensations in my hands and sinus area.  Then I got a little quick tinge of an ache in my right knee. And I thought okay, it’s doing what it needs to do. When you ran the Shilajit, that was more of a buzzing kind of energy, it changed slightly and went over the whole body. Then all of a sudden I had a slight ache in my right ear. But again, I just figured Alright, it’s clearing out what it needs to clear. Amalaki, gave me that typically itchy sensation on the insides of my arms, and then then I felt a heaviness in my throat and upper chest area. I must have settled down because then I saw purple light blobs just floating around and they actually went into a definite pattern of going from right to left and there was like this little area of darkness so you could see the purple blob just pushing that black thing from right to left and then it would come and it was just keep cycling, and each time it was less and less of a black shadowy kind of thing. And I thought okay, clearing something there. The Arjuna hit more in the back chest and stomach and towards the end I got a quick chill. And lastly the Triphala was overall and then all of a sudden I started feeling these deep rolling deep sensations, deep within my stomach and digestive areas. It reminded me of kneading dough and pastry, and I thought okay, it’s just cleansing what it needs to cleanse but overall, interesting, different for each one, and beautiful. Thank you. I really appreciate that.

I was going to tell you earlier on the Arjuna there was this heaviness. And I was asking what was going on. And as it was getting pulled down to my body, they said they were using a sieve, and going through all the organs and pulling out from the instead of each organ during the healing.  They did it like a sieve going through my whole body pulling out everything that needed to be cleared in each of the organs.

So that was very, very deep. I could barely come out of the running of the energies between each of them. So yeah, very deep, intense. And I think I’m just good to just do nothing for the next two, three hours.

So, I just felt like the flows were awesome. I was just relaxing into the potency of all of it, and it just felt great. I just was relaxing into it, because it is going through every cell and the space in between. I mean, it was a fabulous inner body experience. And yeah, I mean, just to be able to utilize this for others. I’m just so excited. Thank you so much Divine Mother and John for sharing your wisdom and being so thoughtful to bring these out.

All the energies were beautiful running them as they and energetic experience instead of the attunement, very beautiful. When you suggested that we run it optimum, I felt the energies more deeply.  I just feel really relaxed. I’m probably due for a nap. It was amazing and thank you.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I very much enjoyed running all the energies. My cup is pretty full, I would say.

For me. This was so, so, deep. I went very, very deep. And honestly, thank God other people talk because I was staying that in the deepness.

So Ashwagandha was very peaceful and calm, very similar to the initiation but not as strong. Then Chyavanprash came like a wave of fire. And I didn’t have the same mental inflammation. It was just a very, very, good fire for the body pulling me deeper and deeper. And I’m very happy you extended the time, because five minutes didn’t feel right. It felt like oh, no, no, no, let’s stay longer. The first one brought a coldness. And I put a wrap all over myself which is very unique for me because I’m very rarely cold and. And after that, I really cannot distinguish anything because I went somewhere so deep, I wasn’t sleeping, it was a very interesting state of bliss and happiness and body being in balance wrapped in a beautiful cocoon of warmth. I just absolutely love it. I didn’t want to come back.  Let’s not finish. Let’s not finish. Because once we finish, and I come back, the mind is gonna be like, you have to do this, this, this, this this.  Yes, I’m like becoming energy junkie, I wanted more and longer and longer.

Thank you very much. It’s getting deeper, deeper, and deeper, and feels like deep clearings for me.

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