Breath of Fire: Class Experiences

“Divine Breath of Fire” Experiences

2022-12-10 During the Attunement:

That was a very soothing comfortable.  I remember in the beginning I saw up in my mind’s eye off, either side was kind of a bright white light with a blue, light blue tinge to it. Then they kind of start moving towards the center. Then they merged into the middle. And then I kind of like went through and then now the scene all gold light, swirls and then occasionally would be more of the white light with the blue, then back to gold and just mostly like that. Very peaceful.

It felt very, very good. Actually, the first thing I thought of and we were done was let’s do that again. It was very blissful. At some point, I felt silver energy or silver was just permeating everything,  like it was just coming down my spine. And I didn’t feel my body at all, I just felt very amazing. It was really, really good.

I can kind of feel my body is changing a little bit. It just feels different, but it’s very subtle.  It’s almost like it’s trying to figure out what’s happening.  I can feel it now. It’s just my mind can’t figure out what it is.

I wasn’t seeing things, but I was feeling. And my head was definitely shining.

So, for me, it was more physical, my mind was switched off.  I’m always hot, I’m always so hot that it’s crazy. And this time, that heat was controlled. So, I only felt it in my hara and solar plexus, but it was very soothing. It wasn’t the normal heat. And now I feel actually nice and cool, and balanced, beautiful feeling in my physical body.

I was feeling energy pouring into my crown like falling rain over my shoulders.  And then my breathing naturally started changing, deepening. I was just going with it, you know, it was very interesting, and it also made me change like a spring that made my back straighter, and then continued with the breathing. It wasn’t really strong, but I can feel the change.

Um, for me, it was very beautiful, very peaceful, My hands got really, really hot. And I found myself panting a little bit, but it wasn’t physically stressful. Because I kept asking myself, why are you panting, but I didn’t feel like it was stressing my physical form. It felt very physical as opposed to some of the other attunements I’ve received from you. So, I think I’m still also trying to figure it out.

That was really blissful. Lots of preparations happening all around me, and on the etheric layer, and tons of light.  It felt really cool. It was really interesting just to watch what was happening. So, I definitely needed more than ten minutes. I’m grateful that you went longer. I don’t know what the optimal time was, but it was just happening so smoothly and so gracefully. The nice thing about you doing it for a longer period of time was then everything could just happen in such a smooth peaceful rate instead of having Divine Mother or any beings scurrying around to do it rapidly. I agree with the person that said, Hey, let’s do that again. Because it felt so amazing.

Just very sweet, pleasant waves coming through and it was amazing how quickly the time passed. Seemed like we just started and then the timer was going off.

2022-12-12 First 10 minute running of the Breath of Fire Session:

I’ve taken Kundalini yoga classes, quite a few of them. And the class would have a breath of fire in them. The teacher would say, you’ve got to breathe like this. And they would just be that one way that we would do it, like with the tongue hanging out, and they’d make us do that. But it would be like 10 minutes to do that nonstop. Your your variety was all over the place.  But I could recognize the different parts of the different styles.  But I’ve never like experienced it like you just did. It was like, Wow.

So soon as you started, I felt a pulse of energy come up my spine and I started to shake. I didn’t have any changes in breathing, but I was singing.  I don’t know what language it was. And singing really loud, and then shaking, and I just kept singing all these words, things were coming out. I remember what a couple of words were, Shama do, Shama day, and I’m not sure what that means. Whether that is Sanskrit or something, but I was mostly singing. I was sometimes screaming really loud. Glad I have my window shut, and I am far enough away from neighbors.  I wasn’t aware of any changes in breath. I was just singing with all that energy coming up. And shaking, shaking, bouncing up and down in my chair.

I know what that feels like when you’re like taking that deep breath. But this was like such a deep breath, it just went all the way down and kept going. It felt it wasn’t gonna stop, and then all of a sudden, I just exhaled. The more I relaxed into it, the more I let the energy flow through the body, and let your body just move, whichever way it wants to go, as soon as I just let that go, my hands just wanted to stay up in a position,  and I was doing a little bit more shaking, it was strong movements, just not as much stronger as it was intense.

Initially, I was watching, and I was surprised how much fire was going through you, almost like I noticed that it was going up and down your spine. So, then I decided to stop watching and just focus upon my body and let it go, and that was very different than yours. My shoulders were doing some shaking motions, then it felt very nice and cool. This class is cooling me, it was like settling me down into coolness. I feel really so nice now. Not cold in any way, but I feel so nice and balanced and chilled. Then it was chanting, I was really chanting, and I couldn’t really make a tone. And then there was a breath, and then I make the tone. And now in this, the chanting came back with the same tone. The exhale was like a chant, and it was very beautiful. And the spine was moving, very gently forward and back, very slowly. And then two of my vertebrae cracked into place. Nobody even touched it, but I heard the crack, and they went back into place. It’s just amazing.

All my Pranayama has been the trained part, the control part, the mind telling the body what to do, and this flipped that all around and surrendering to it. It was amazing how quickly my mind just observed, and the body started engaging. And very interesting how many places breath went to in my body, and how many places the breath came from my body.  There were parts of me that were breathing, while my mouth and nose were just doing very pedestrian type breathing.  And allowing, surrendering to the body just doing what it was doing. That was a very new experience. I didn’t have the same horsepower that you had behind what was going on. But it was very freeing just to be with that, letting Divine Mother take over and run the show. Cool. Yes, yes, yes.

Okay. I have no past Kundalini experience. And as soon as you started, I said, Oh, how cool is this! And I started shaking from head to toe. And then my body wanted to imitate you. And then when you stuck your tongue out, I just burst out laughing and I’m like, Oh, that’s good.  So, yeah, I enjoyed it. And at the end, I was tired, and now my spine is happy. Good.

I didn’t have shaking over. I had waves of energy moving through the body consistently during this period, then this warms the body.

I found myself breathing a little heavier and swaying more, allowing my body to at least sway, and I could feel the energies within. And at one point I went to sit up in my chair straighter, even though I was already up, but my feet, ankles and legs felt so heavy, like they were stuck to the floor. And then I noticed that my insides were like churning, and I was cold. I felt like this cold air was blowing all over me. Yet I was still swaying and breathing. Then the mind came in trying to analyze why I am feeling warmth inside but very cold on the outside. But even coming down  after we were ended, my insides I could feel churning for a few minutes afterwards. I felt like oh, I’m shivering.

So, this is a lot of fun. I think this time I just relaxed into it, kind of allowed the energy to go wherever it wants to go, and just keep my mind out of it. I think the sound of you going through your process was actually helpful for me.

2022-12-12 Second 10 minute running the Breath of Fire Session:

I’ve done many Kundalini classes, but none of them have been letting go and just letting your your body breath. The way we did with your class. Right? So, it’s gonna take some practice, I think, just getting used to it just because it’s something I’ve never done before.

So, after the first practice, I began to feel happy, uplifted and energized, I was like, I don’t need to do another practice, I just want to go and do stuff, Then we did the second practice. And I just feel like I’m going to fall asleep within a second. It was the same shaking, and some breathing showed up. And funny thing was that my legs wanted to move, so they were just kind of moving like a child, you know, when it’s placed on a swing, then it stopped. And it felt like there was a stillness flowing through me, stillness, be still. And now I feel like I literally can lay down and just be gone in a second and sleep. So, it can do anything and everything for me. And the body is really nicely balanced. I feel really nice. I’d forgotten how nice it feels when the body is not constantly hot. So, it’s really very nice feeling within the physical body.

I was so energized and then after these 10 minutes, and  it was always nice and warm in pandan center in Hara, very nice, warm and very comforting not to be hot. That is from the beginning of initiation all the time now. And it’s very, very loving and comforting. So, it’s a great feeling. So this is interesting. I was totally up, totally energized. Now. I feel like I just gonna fall asleep within minutes.

The second time was definitely more intense. And the breathing changed. It was quicker at times, and the movements were quicker. Then towards the end, there was definitely a cleansing. It was just like a release. Yeah, definitely my sacral chakra and my solar plexus. And I was just like, Oh, good, because that needed a cleaning. That was great.

I had a lot of shaking and, and voice chanting again. But then I realized that the different sounds were resonating in different parts of my body, and then sort of like directing where the energy would go. And then I think it was primarily working on my throat chakra. I know, I had lot of tension and maybe in my vocal cords and things and so it just really loosened things up. I just feel very energized, as people are saying, but then right now I just kind of have like a warm glow inside, I feel really, really peaceful, so that I don’t really feel like doing anything. I’m just so calm and peaceful, like a calm still pond, you know, and just don’t want anything to disturb it.   Yeah, I enjoy it, very nice.  Thank you.

More deeper breathing for me, but that just made me feel so good. I feel energized.

The second time was a very different experience, I was surprised to be able to breathe deeper than I’ve ever done before.

So glad you did the second round, because there’s still so much energy and light moving through me. So, I am actually one of the people also laying down. I do feel relaxed and tired, but blissful. I just wanted to let the energy keep moving in a really graceful process. It kind of mirrors the activation where everything was just done with such divine grace that it’s just at a very comfortable pace. I didn’t really have any of that unusual breathing or anything, but the energy is all moving, and I just feel so blissful and so much wellbeing and peace and calm and that I didn’t want to talk.  I want to let the energy keep doing whatever it’s doing for as long as it needs to do it. So, thank you for two doing two rounds. That was really seemed perfect.

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