Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Divine Grace, Trishula.

These are new energies that we can begin teaching now. They are very advanced, so be sure you’ve gotten many of the other energy attunements before taking these.

Divine Energy of Christ Consciousness

“Christ Consciousness” is a term that is often used in spiritual and metaphysical contexts to describe a state of higher awareness, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. The term is usually derived from the Christian tradition, specifically the idea of Jesus Christ as a divine and enlightened being.

In a broader sense, Christ Consciousness transcends any specific religious affiliation and is considered a universal and transformative state of consciousness. It implies a deep connection with one’s spiritual essence and a heightened awareness of the interconnectedness of all life. People who use this term often believe that achieving Christ Consciousness involves embodying qualities such as love, compassion, forgiveness, spiritual wisdom, and unbounded consciousness.

In various spiritual traditions, similar concepts may be expressed using different terminology. For example, in Eastern philosophies, one might talk about achieving a state of enlightenment, self-realization, or cosmic consciousness. The essential idea is the evolution of consciousness to a higher and more enlightened state, often characterized by a profound sense of unity with the divine and with all of creation.

Christ Consciousness is often a term that refers to a state of spiritual awareness or enlightenment.  In the Christian view it is inspired by the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. Christ Consciousness is also related to the idea of being one with God or the Divine Source, and expressing love, devotion, courage, and surrender in all aspects of life.

Some people believe that Christ Consciousness is the ultimate goal of spiritual awakening, as it represents the realization of our true nature and our connection with the Source of all existence. Others see Christ Consciousness as a way of living that honors the sacredness of all beings and the divine plan for creation.

Here are some aspects that individuals might associate with the experience of Christ Consciousness:

  • Unconditional Love and Compassion: Christ Consciousness is often associated with an overwhelming sense of unconditional love and compassion. Individuals may describe feeling a deep connection with all of humanity and a profound love for others.
  • Unity and Oneness: Experiencing Christ Consciousness is often linked to a sense of unity and oneness with the divine, the universe, and all living beings. It may involve a realization of the interconnectedness of all existence.
  • Transcendence of Ego: Those who have Christ Consciousness experiences may report a temporary or sustained transcendence of the ego. This can result in a profound sense of inner peace, humility, and a decreased emphasis on personal desires and attachments.
  • Spiritual Awareness: Individuals may describe an expanded or heightened state of spiritual awareness. This could include a deep understanding of spiritual truths, a sense of purpose, and a connection to higher realms of consciousness.
  • Forgiveness and Non-Judgement: Christ Consciousness is often associated with forgiveness and non-judgment. Those who undergo this experience may feel a deep sense of forgiveness for themselves and others, as well as a release from judgmental attitudes.
  • Inner Light and Divine Presence: Some individuals report experiencing an inner light or presence that is described as divine or Christ-like. This inner light is often associated with a feeling of guidance, protection, and love.
  • Service and Selflessness: Practitioners of Christ Consciousness may feel a calling to engage in selfless service and acts of kindness. The teachings associated with Christ Consciousness often emphasize the importance of serving others and embodying qualities such as humility and generosity.

Experiences of Christ Consciousness are often deeply personal and may be interpreted in various ways based on individual beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and religious frameworks. Additionally, the language used to describe these experiences may be influenced by the religious and cultural context in which individuals find themselves.

Christ Consciousness transcends any specific religious affiliation and is considered a universal and transformative state of consciousness. It implies a deep connection with one’s spiritual essence and a heightened awareness of the interconnectedness of all life. People who use this term often believe that achieving Christ Consciousness involves embodying qualities such as love, compassion, forgiveness, and spiritual wisdom.

There are diverse ways to cultivate Christ Consciousness, such as meditation, prayer, service, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, and surrender. Some practices that can help are:

  • Activating daily the Divine Energy of Christ Consciousness given to us by Divine Mother.
  • Seeking guidance from the Source/God, the Holy Spirit, your higher self, or your inner Christ, and listening to your intuition and heart.
  • Practicing loving-kindness and compassion towards yourself and others and forgiving yourself and others for any mistakes or wrongdoings.
  • Expressing gratitude for all the blessings and opportunities in your life and acknowledging the presence of Source/God in everything and everyone.
  • Surrendering your will and ego to the will and plan of Source/God and trusting that everything happens for a higher purpose and good.

Christ Consciousness can also result in:

  • Increased awareness of our relationship with God
  • Feeling God’s loving, caring presence in our life
  • Reduced suffering from temporary pains of this world
  • Increased peace and freedom from cravings for temporary pleasures
  • Uncovering our own pure sense of who we are, as eternally blissful servants of God.

However, one thinks of Christ Consciousness, it’s important to remember that it is a state of enlightened consciousness that exists by itself as part of the Oneness of All That Is, and that it is attainable by All, even though so far only a few have attained it.  Now, with Divine Mother/Father/Source’s blessing we have a Divine Energy that can greatly assist us on this journey to Oneness, Enlightenment or Cosmic Consciousness.

Krishna Consciousness

For our purposes, Krishna Consciousness is one of the highest and most enlightened states of consciousness and perfection possible for any human being to ever attain; however, there are so many varied teachings, philosophies, and opinions that it can get a little confusing if you start reading about it online or in books.  Some say that Krishna is another name for God, while others say Krishna is an aspect or Avatar of God, (or Vishnu), as are Jesus, Buddha, Rama, Allah, etc., and some say Vishnu is an aspect/avatar of Krishna.

Traditionally, in some areas of the world “Krishna Consciousness” is a spiritual practice that involves focusing the mind and senses on actively serving the Supreme Person, Krishna. The most recommended practices of Krishna consciousness include hearing about Krishna from books like the Shrimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-Gita, chanting Krishna’s names, speaking about Krishna, associating with devotees of Krishna, living in a holy place (or making your own place holy), and worshiping God in His transcendental form as Krishna.

Krishna consciousness is also known as Sanatana-dharma, the eternal function of the self, which is the standard spiritual culture outlined in the Vedas. Everyone, regardless of their nation of origin or religion, has an eternal relationship with the Supreme Person, and Krishna consciousness is meant to embody and express that relationship.  Krishna’s spiritual form is the embodiment of eternity, knowledge, and bliss. Whenever He appears within the material world, He does so in His spiritual body.

Krishna Consciousness is also a term that refers to a state of awareness in which an individual acts in complete harmony with the Divine Source/God, or the ultimate reality that is expressed in Krishna.  It also refers to a form of Bhakti yoga (or devotional service) in which the purpose is to devote one’s thoughts, actions, and worship to pleasing Krishna, who some consider to be the supreme god.

According to this philosophy, Krishna is considered the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and devotion to Him is seen as the highest form of spiritual practice. Practitioners of Krishna Consciousness aim to cultivate a deep, loving relationship with Krishna through various devotional activities such as chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, reading sacred texts like the Bhagavad Gita, engaging in congregational worship (sankirtan), and following a lifestyle that reflects principles of devotion, simplicity, and ethical conduct.

Traditionally, in some schools the Hare Krishna mantra, “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare,” is a central practice in Krishna Consciousness and is believed to have transformative spiritual power.

Some Benefits of Krishna Consciousness

Practicing the New Divine Energy of Krishna Consciousness can have many benefits. According to, some of the benefits of experiencing Krishna Consciousness include:

  • Freedom from fear of death
  • Increased awareness of our relationship with the Supreme Person, Krishna, God, or Source.
  • Feeling Krishna’s loving, caring presence in our life
  • Reduced suffering from the temporary pains of this world
  • Increased peace and freedom from cravings for temporary pleasures
  • Uncovering our own pure sense of who we are, as eternally blissful expressions of Krishna.

The experience of Krishna Consciousness can vary among individuals, as it is a highly personal and spiritual journey. However, there are some common themes and elements often described by practitioners:

Deep Devotion and Love: Those who practice Krishna Consciousness often speak of a profound sense of love and devotion toward God/Source/Lord Krishna. The devotional practices, such as chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, reading sacred texts, and engaging in devotional service, are seen as one way to deepen this connection.

Spiritual Fulfillment: Practitioners often report a sense of spiritual fulfillment and purpose in their lives.

Increased Awareness: Krishna Consciousness is believed to elevate one’s consciousness, leading to increased awareness of the spiritual dimension of life. Practitioners may describe a heightened sense of awareness, both of themselves and the world around them.

Inner Peace: Many practitioners report experiencing a deep inner peace and a sense of tranquility. For some, the practice of mantra meditation, particularly the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, is said to bring about a state of mental calmness.

Ethical and Moral Transformation: Practitioners often describe positive changes in their ethical and moral behavior as a result of following the principles of Krishna Consciousness. This may include practicing nonviolence, truthfulness, simplicity, and compassion in daily life.

It’s important to note that individual experiences can vary, and the above points represent general trends rather than universal outcomes. People may engage with Krishna Consciousness in different way and to different degrees, and the depth of their experiences may evolve over time. Additionally, the cultural and religious context in which someone approaches Krishna Consciousness can also influence their perceptions and experiences.

Lord Krishna is considered one of the incarnations of God/Source/Lord Vishnu on the Earth.

Krishna took birth in the Dwapara Yuga, which is just before the Kaliyuga that we are presently living in.

Krishna is the personification of love and ecstasy that vanishes all pain and sin.

It is not necessary to understand, believe, or practice any of the traditional philosophies or schools regarding Krishna to develop Krishna Consciousness.  As we move forward utilizing the New Divine Krishna Consciousness Energy we will evolve in the most appropriate ways and experiences for each of us to become one with God/Source thanks to Divine Mother/Father/God/Source and Krishna. 

Divine Grace

Here are various articles from the internet regarding Divine Grace.  I think we’ll just experience it directly from Divine Mother and then write our own description.

“Divine Grace” refers to the concept of a divine and unmerited gift or favor bestowed upon individuals by a higher power, often understood in religious and spiritual contexts as coming from God, Divine Mother/Father, Source. The idea is that individuals receive blessings, support, guidance, or protection from the divine, not necessarily because of their own merits or efforts, but simply as an expression of divine love, mercy, or benevolence.

Key aspects of the concept of Divine Grace include:

Unmerited Favor: The term “grace” emphasizes that the blessings or assistance provided by the divine are unearned and undeserved. It is a gift freely given, not something that can be achieved through human effort alone.

Mercy and Compassion: Divine Grace is often associated with qualities such as mercy and compassion. It implies that the divine is willing to show kindness and compassion to individuals, even in the face of their shortcomings or mistakes.

Spiritual Enlightenment: In many spiritual traditions, Divine Grace is seen as a transformative force that can lead to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It is believed to help individuals overcome spiritual obstacles, ignorance, or suffering.

Protection and Guidance: Divine Grace is also thought to provide protection and guidance in navigating life’s challenges. It is seen as a source of strength and support during difficult times.

Salvation or Liberation: In religious contexts, Divine Grace is often linked to the concept of salvation or liberation from suffering. It is viewed as the means by which individuals can attain a higher state of being or reunite with the divine.

Different religions and spiritual traditions may have varying interpretations of Divine Grace. For example:

In Christianity, Divine Grace is a central concept, and it is often associated with God’s love and mercy. Christians believe that through God’s grace, individuals can be forgiven and saved.

In Hinduism, the concept of Divine Grace is expressed in various ways, such as the grace of a particular deity or the guru. Devotees seek the grace of the divine for spiritual progress.

In Islam, the concept of Allah’s mercy and grace is central. Muslims believe in seeking Allah’s forgiveness and grace for spiritual growth and salvation.

Ultimately, the concept of Divine Grace reflects a belief in a benevolent and compassionate force that extends support and blessings to individuals, fostering their spiritual well-being and growth.

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