Three in One – Story of the Energy

How it came about over 25 years.

In the mid 1990’s we were living in Fairfield, Iowa where I spent 6 hours of each day meditating in the large domes constructed there specifically for large group meditations.  During one of these group programs, I became of aware of having access to a golden sphere of solar or celestial energy in my consciousness and on the subtle levels of creation.  I don’t know who gave it to me, or why.  It just appeared, and without instructions in how to use it.  So, naturally I began to experiment with it to see what good things it could do.

The energy was so brilliant and intense that I couldn’t get very close to it without experiencing such rapid purification that I usually fogged out and lost my focus.  Later on I began putting the subtle bodies of friends into the sphere who were clear enough to report back their experiences.  Usually, I could only hold the sphere on them for a few seconds before they popped back out.  It was like trying to hold them in a cosmic blast furnace, and when they popped back out, their auras were 5 to 10 times bigger, and the intense purification looked like steam or smoke coming off of them.

This was all fun as a part of the discovery process, but I wanted to find a way to use it on much bigger projects, something that could help thousands or millions of people, not just one at a time.  So, I thought, “What is the most negative place in the country I can think of…. New York City!”  So, I placed the sphere on New York City and all hell broke loose, literally.  I really had to work hard to hold the sphere on it because it caused such immediate and intense purification that the sphere wanted to blow right off.  I held it as long as I could, but soon it blew off and I was left looking at a steaming NYC.  It looked like smoke was coming off of everything and the sphere was nowhere to be seen.

The next evening, as I was meditating in the dome, a huge unbounded consciousness came into my awareness and said, “I gave you a gift and you abused it”, and that was it.  I protested that I was only trying to do the greatest good I could think of with the sphere and that no one had given me any instructions on how to use it, so how could he judge me like that, but he didn’t respond or even look back. He just left and took the sphere with him. I’ve noticed that the folks upstairs can be pretty judgmental and ridged sometimes. 

That was the last I saw of the sphere for many years.  I was allowed to use it once to heal a terminally ill patient of cancer, but nothing more until around 2008 or so.  That’s when I discovered that two malefic Planetary Devas had been trying to block and destroy everything good that came my way for my entire life.  (read the story about Rahu) Apparently he had lied to the large divine being with the sphere by telling him that I had misused the golden sphere, which was more of his plan to block me at every chance he could.  Finally at age 62 the deeds of the malefic Devas were exposed and they were both judged to be incapable of rehabilitation and were dissolved by the Goddess. Then I was gradually given access to the Golden Solar Sphere again; although, in a slightly less powerful form.

I began using it to occasionally help heal people one at a time, but soon got bored with that.  I decided to use it at a very low intensity on the entire planet.  I dialed it down to 1% of its full power and as soon as I encompassed the entire earth with it, a shock wave went through the planet and a huge black slimy evil demon shrieked, jumped out of the planet and flew out into space.  It looked like the embodiment of all negativity and evil.  But it didn’t leave, it just hovered out there in space, shocked, but looking for a way back in.  So, I had to gradually dial up the intensity of the energy from the sphere, to 2%, 3%, then 4%, and that seemed to hold it at bay, but it still didn’t leave.

The next day I called a friend of mine, David, who’s much clearer than I am and has a more direct connection with Mother Divine and explained what happened.  He said that Mother was telling him that the demon couldn’t leave because his female “partner” was still inside the planet and that the masculine energy of the golden sphere had much less effect on the partner.  Mother said that she and Lord Shiva would have to make me a “Rainbow Sphere” to use in removing the partner.  The rainbow sphere they were going to make is a collection of all the divine colored-light rays of creation together in one sphere.  She explained that even though it was extremely powerful, it was more fragile than the golden sphere.   She said it operated from the most subtle levels of feeling, heart, and love, and therefore I had to be very careful with it and protect it since it was a feminine energy.

For some unknown reason, it took Mother and Shiva 2 weeks to get it back to me.  She kept saying “patience John, this one takes some time to make”.  Finally, it arrived, and I couldn’t wait to try it out, but true to my curious and experimental nature, I wondered what would happen if I combined it with the golden solar sphere to make one more powerful and complete sphere.  The thought was to merge the divine masculine solar golden sphere with the divine feminine heart energies, and it worked.  The golden sphere gave an added strength, support, and protection to the rainbow sphere.  However, that led to the next thought which was that now I needed to add a sphere of the Transcendental energy, the field of eternal unmanifest Pure Consciousness, which is the infinite unbounded source of all creation.

Well, as soon as I had that thought, Mother Divine said “No, no, no.  Creation is not ready for that.  It couldn’t handle it”.  I thought, oh well, it took them over 2 weeks to get me the rainbow sphere, and if they don’t give me one, then I won’t be able to try it, so don’t worry. 

Later on while meditating, I still had this thought that I should combine the 3 energies, solar, rainbow and transcendent.  I began to wonder what a sphere of the transcendent would look like, if there even was such a thing.  Suddenly a new sphere appeared.  It looked like it was filled with shimmering, sparkling, silvery crystal-clear water.  I thought this couldn’t really be the transcendent sphere because it took them over 2 weeks to get me the rainbow sphere, and even much longer than that to return the golden sphere to me.  But here was something that sure looked like a sphere made of transcendental energy, so I thought “what the heck”, let’s just see if it can be combined with the other 2 spheres, and I put them all together.  Then the show really started.

The other 2 spheres were each very powerful by themselves, but when I added the 3rd sphere which contained infinite unbounded energy from the transcendent, everything started to rev up and spin so fast that combined they seemed a thousand times more powerful.  As the 3 of them spun faster and faster, the outer edge of the combined sphere began to look like the razor-sharp teeth on a circular buzz saw, and the spinning turbine-like whine got louder and louder.  Then suddenly some really cool looking silvery white God, not sure who, jumped in and started splashing the Cosmic Water on the sphere, both inside it and all over it, again and again, both to cool it down so that it didn’t blow up and to lubricate it internally as the 3 spheres continued merging and integrating their power.  He kept splashing the Cosmic Waters on it until gradually it stabilized and spun steadily as one unimaginably powerful sphere.  It was the most magnificent energy I’ve ever seen, and all I could think of was that I wanted it.  I wanted to merge it into the very core of my being, but the energy coming off of it was so incredibly intense that I couldn’t even get close to it.  I had to stand way off in the distance while this silvery white God kept an eye on it to make sure it was stable and not going to blow up.  As I adjusted to the new energy, I’d move 1 inch closer and then have to wait there until I adapted to that greater intensity, and then move 1 more inch closer and wait, etc, etc.  It was going to take a very, very long time to get anywhere close to it, much less integrate it into my entire being.

Then I had the thought of wondering what Mother Divine would think about this.  Well, that instantly made a connection to her and she came flying in and pounced on the combined sphere, which was about 1/3 her size, and began frantically pulling huge reddish orange cubes of pure raw energy out of the sphere and throwing them away.  As she kept pulling the energy cubes out, the spinning of the sphere gradually slowed down and down until it finally stopped, and the energy was quiet.  Then she turned to me and gave me a little whack across the side of my head and said, “I told you not to do that”.

So of course, I started to whine and complain a little, saying that I really felt I was supposed to create it, that it was my destiny, my dharma, and that now I understood why I couldn’t have the big sphere because it would dissolve all the lower levels of creation, but could I at least have a personal size one?

After more insistent pleading, Mother just sighed, shook her head, and finally said Ok.  Then she made one the size of a baseball and gave it to me, but I had to swear an oath on everything holy I could think of to never abuse it, and she made it clear that she would be watching me at all times to make sure I didn’t.  She said this kind of power is normally never entrusted to humans.  She said that even this personal size sphere was so powerful that “if used properly for 100 days, it is powerful enough to end Kali Yuga”.  Well, of course I don’t know how to use it properly, and since I work long days, I don’t have 100 days to use it.  Even if I did, I’m sure my body could handle working constantly with that much power.  Mother also said that I had to protect it from negative entities that would love to have access to its power, and that I couldn’t give it to anyone else, no matter who they are.

This brings us back to the original reason why I was given the Rainbow sphere, which was to chase out the giant black demon’s partner from within the Earth.  Now that I had the combined sphere, which I call the “3 in 1 sphere” for lack of any better name, I turned my attention to getting rid of the demons.  However, Mother has also told me to be gentle and kind with all her creatures, even when dealing with these dark beings, because many of them would actually love a chance to switch sides and become good guys if given a chance.

They were just born into their roles on the dark side and never thought they could be anything other than evil.  So instead of just turning my new sphere on them at full power and either driving them off or destroying them, I decided to start out gently at only 1% of its power in order to coax them out.  At 1% it was still a bit of a shock to them, but it also had a very purifying and healing effect on them, and they didn’t leave.  So, after they had adjusted to the 1% level, I cranked it up to 2%, and again it shocked them a bit, but it also purified them even more, and now they weren’t quite so black and slimy.  Then I increased it to 3%, but once more they quickly integrated the energy and became purer and brighter.  By this time, I was asking them why they weren’t leaving, because I thought this energy would chase them away.  But they said, “No, we REALLY LIKE this energy!  We think we’ll stay now”.  Well, that was totally unexpected and not what I wanted to hear, but I had to agree that now they were looking more bluish white, like Devas, and not so much like slimy black demons.  Nevertheless, I was determined to move them out, so I kept stepping up the energy levels 1% at a time, 4%, 5%, 6% etc. and each time they were jolted a little bit, but kept getting brighter and brighter, purer, more bluish white and god like.  Finally, I stopped at about 12% because even though they didn’t physically leave in the way I had intended, by that point they had purified and evolved enough that they were now 2 dimensions higher up than our 3rd dimensional earth plane, so I figure they couldn’t and wouldn’t do any more harm since that would cast them back down into the darkness.

That was the beginning of my “3 in1” adventures.  The sphere has its own divine intelligence and adjusts its size and intensity automatically to the task at hand.  Sometimes we drive out demons, sometimes purify them, sometimes do healing work on people, Devas and even the various levels of upper level Gods, and sometimes destroy evil entities and ET’s.  I have yet to find a being in all of creation, except the supreme one God/Source, that hasn’t benefited from this energy.  It’s truly amazing, but I’m also finding that some of the Devas don’t want to evolve and expand at the rate the sphere pushes them to.  They’re happy where they are and a couple have complained that I’m pushing them too far, too fast, so I’ve had to back off a bit on who I send this energy to or what levels I dial it up to.  It seems that 3-4% is about maximum for humans, and 7-10% for Devas.  Any more than that and they/we ascend too fast for our health and well-being.

(this page is still under construction)

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