Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, Divine Mother and True Source.

There’s a new Divine Energy which was brought out in early 2020 by a Divine Being named Patanjali.  Patanjali is famous for bringing out the “Yoga Sutras” a couple of thousand years ago, which is a group of 4 books that describe the knowledge and techniques to live a perfect enlightened life as well as develop Yogic Siddhis or Superpowers. 

The goal of the Yoga Sutras is an enlightened state of consciousness, but prior to this time it required a great deal of austerity, study, and practice.  Now it is possible for Patanjali and Divine Mother to bring out the end goal of expanded pure consciousness directly without having to do all the study and practice.  Now it’s just a matter of running the new “Divine Energy of the Upgraded Yoga Sutras” which downloads the energy and knowledge directly from Source/God without any intermediaries to distort or control the knowledge, and then we absorb and integrate the expanded consciousness.  The more you run the energies, the more and faster your consciousness expands.

Book Three of the Yoga Sutras is famous for techniques to develop Yogic Superpowers.  These new energies do not focus directly on developing powers since the original purpose of practicing these power techniques was to expand consciousness and gain enlightenment.  However, now we have a different and more direct way to expand our consciousness, by direct download from Source, so we don’t need to learn Sanskrit, read the books, or practice the techniques. We could say that these new energies are a “top down” approach, or working backwards from the highest goal.  However, if a person were also to practice the techniques in the books, they could probably develop the perfect living habits and the yogic powers sooner because they would be coming at it from a “top down and a bottom up” approach together, but only time will tell since this is the first time these energies have ever been offered.  Those who’ve taken other courses such as the “TM Siddhis Program” may find this very helpful to their practice.

Another point I’d like to mention is that when I was talking to Patanjali on the subtle levels, I asked if there was anything else he would like to add to the original writings he did a few thousand years ago, and his reply was a resounding “YES!”, and he proceeded to add about 20% more knowledge and information into the energies.  It seems that once he’d written down the Yoga Sutras, that locked it in place and restricted what could be offered to just what he’d written down two thousand years ago, and over time he’s come up with more that he wants to bring out.  Unfortunately, my perception is not clear enough to know exactly what he’s added, I just could see and feel it all expand by about 20%.

Next I showed the New Upgraded Yoga Sutras to True Source, and he said “Ohhh, I can work with this!” and then he instantly added more to it, but it happened so fast that all I could tell was that it got even bigger and there was a big heart or love component in what he added.

People who have tried this new energy have reported that it’s almost like flipping a light switch for “instant-on expanded consciousness”. One person said it was like being transported to a giant shopping mall of unbounded pure consciousness with all kinds of amazing things to explore. Another said it was a space of both nothing and everything at the same time, and another who has practiced the TM Yoga Sutra Siddhis program for 40 years said he became a giant ball of pure white light and unboundedness. Another said it was the same state of consciousness she experiences during her TM Siddhis program for 35 years; however, this is just the start and Patanjali has said that “You have no idea how far these new Upgraded Yoga Sutra Energies can take you”.

When running the energies for yourself, you can call in Divine Mother, Patanjali, and Source to assist you, and we can ask that all missing pieces or parts of the Total Knowledge and Wholeness be given to us now, whether known or unknown, so that we have a complete and wholistic foundation to begin building from, and that from this point forward, everything we receive is given to us in the complete and proper sequence for the natural unfoldment of knowledge and experience resulting in Wholeness and permanent growth towards Brahman Consciousness.

Receiving the “Divine Energies of the Upgraded Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”

Some of the components of the Divine Yoga Sutras are:

  • Samyama is the spiritual practice involving these 3 steps.
  • Dharana: Effortless focused attention on something
  • Dhyana: Continuous flow of focus that goes deeper and deeper into the object of attention
  • Samadhi: The meditator and the object of attention merge into the Transcendent or Source together.  When the meditator comes back out of the Transcendent the desired result will begin to manifest.
    • Success in this practice takes time, so don’t push or force it, just practice often.

Next, Do Attunements for each Book of the “New Upgraded Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Divine Mother and Source” for 6-10 minutes or longer.  Mention the general topics of each book.

  • Book 1: Instruction in Union with Divine Source and True Source
  • Book 2: Means of Soul Growth and Path to Realization
  • Book 3: Development of Extraordinary or Yogic Powers using Samyama
  • Book 4: Mechanism of Freedom or Salvation, and the simple working of Cosmic Law
  • Book 5: First group of additional upgrades, expansions, blessings, and Love that have now been added by Patanjali, Divine Mother and True Source which don’t fit in the original 4 books.
  • Book 6: More upgrades, expansions, and blessing that couldn’t fit into Book 5.
  • Book 7: Final upgrades, expansions, and blessings that couldn’t fit into Book 6.

Daily Practice:  The Attunements are now done and do not need to be repeated.

For Daily Practice:

Activate and Run the General Divine Process of Samyama for 5-10 minutes, or more,

Activate and Run 3 specific processes of Samyama below for 2-5 minutes each:

  • Dharana: Effortless focused attention on some thing or some intention.
  • Dhyana: Continuous flow of focus that goes deeper and deeper into the object of attention
  • Samadhi: The meditator and the object of attention merge into the Transcendent or Source together.  When the meditator comes back out of the Transcendent the desired result will begin to manifest.
    • Success in this practice takes time, so don’t push, or force it, just practice often.

Next, Activate and Run each Book of the “New Upgraded Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Divine Mother and Source” for 6-10 minutes or longer.  You can mention the general topics of each book, but don’t bother with someone else’s interpretation at this stage.  We want the purity.  If time doesn’t allow a full 6-10 minutes each, then shorten the times to at least 2-3 minutes for each book.  It’s good to run these energies every day, or every 2-3 days if possible.

You can also think of this as running Samyama on the contents of each book, for instance, we might say we want to run Samyama on the Contents of Book 1 of Patanjali’s Upgraded Yoga Sutras: Instruction in Union with Divine Source and True Self, etc.

Book 1: Instruction in Union with Divine Source and True Self

Book 2: Means of Soul Growth and Path to Realization

Book 3: Development of Extraordinary or Yogic Powers using Samyama

Book 4: Mechanism of Freedom or Salvation, and the simple working of Cosmic Law

Book 5: First group of the additional upgrades, expansions, blessings, and Love that have now been added by Patanjali, Divine Mother and True Source which couldn’t fit in the original 4 books.

Book 6:  More additional upgrades, expansions, and blessings that couldn’t fit into Book 5.

Book 7: All the Final upgrades, expansions, and blessings that couldn’t fit into Book 6.

Optional:  When done, finish by asking Divine Mother, Patanjali, and True Source to please bless and heal everyone on the call, or that you are working on, in whatever ways SHE feels are highest and best for each of them and that will make them happiest – allow 3-6 minutes for the blessings to settle in.

Then close the session and if you want to, say Thank You to Divine Mother, Patanjali, True Source and any other Divine Beings that helped.
