Upgraded Divine Yoga Sutra Experiences:

Yoga Sutra Class Experiences (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Jan 8th, 2020    

Before we started my head was very cloudy, but after got the downloads of the New Yoga Sutra Energies, I felt much more clarity and the cloud is going away.  The heaviness on my head is going down.  I feel very refreshed.

It was like I was stepping on a cloud that took me to the top of a very high mountain that I was struggling to climb.  It was a real shortcut for me.  I could see everything very clearly.

I felt a heavy pressure on the top of my head where I could see that it was opening my crown chakra so I could receive more energy, then it shifted to my solar plexus where was a great deal of warmth.

Lots of cleansing.  I really love the energies and think this is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s to come.

This was amazing, very powerful but very gentle at the same time.  It cleared my 3rd eye, and then my old Master Self came in.

I felt the energies expanding and I was looking at the entire universe.  It was so nice that I didn’t want to come out.

I got very expansive and serene, and felt that I wanted to stay there for a long time.

I started off very tired this morning with a lot of nervous pressure energy to get things done today, and during the class it all cleared up and dissipated the clouds.  It cleared my 3rd eye and I got a lot of guidance how to set up my day much better.

I had a very deep intense peacefulness and a great excitement at the same time.  It was two opposites at the same time.  I experienced unbounded nothingness and infinite everything at the same time.  It seemed to integrate the 2 hemispheres of my brain into a oneness.

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