Work on the World group experiences

Scroll down to find the calls I’ve had time to transcribe and post here. Others will be added as time allows, but we do them every week, so it’s hard to keep up.

2022-09-18 WOW – Sunday

It was awesome as always, and I love the new Glory Energy. It’s so truly glorious. Sounds corny, but it’s the highest I think I’ve ever experienced. Thank you.

Wow. I just don’t know, there’s so much that went on there. About a month ago, I felt a heaviness with Mars, a sense of being stuck.  As Gaia is going through her spiritual emergence and mankind is going through the Great Awakening, Mars was stuck there. I think that’s all taken care of after this. I thought it was brilliant how you combined all the three planets into a triad. I think the best way to describe it be a cosmic shift, something really big had happened.

When you did that human blueprint download, Divine Source came in. When Divine Source comes in for me, I feel like a breeze or something blowing in my ear. And this time I had a heavy fragrant smell come in, and I knew Divine Source was there.  But the fragrance changed.  Can you say that Divine Source has different moods? I felt a shift, but it was very powerful. Some big cosmic things went on through that. I can feel a lot of warmth in my heart. Sensing that healing of the relationships between Earth, Moon, and Mars, but much much healing went on with that. Yeah, thanks, John. Really cool.

I was gonna say Wow, all of it! And a lot of stuff going on with the Mars. I could feel the shifting. I also felt some shifting with England. Really deep layers, ley lines and stuff.  So, really good things are getting loosened up there. When you went around to the Moon, I felt that more physically in my body, like the waters in my body, stuff like that. But when Mars came in, I felt it was really strong. And when you said Anchor, Oh My God, did I feel an anchoring.  A lot fine tuning went on, and it went over the planet. The energy was quite strong. Even when you brought in the Golden Heart and the Forgiveness, it took quite a while, for me personally and it didn’t shift until you got to Glory. I mean it was really moving, adjusting, and there are humans on on Mars, I got that right away.  Then Embody Heaven on Earth Now was very high frequency, but Glory really did it for me. It really calmed my fields down and stuff. A lot of work got done today, it was quite beautiful. A lot of work got done. Thank you.

A lot to unpack. I don’t know if I’d be able to describe everything I experienced. But I’m going along with R, a lot of work has been done this morning.  Very comprehensive work. The blue liquid and the golden green energy makes up a very strong mixture. Very, very strong energy. That sense of just washing through and washing away all the negativity, absolutely everywhere, in everyone, everything, it’s very powerful

Worthiness, Lies into Truth, Forgiveness, all these are very very helpful for humanity.  It’s just a perfect combination of all these energies they they just do so much, it’s just incredible. A lot of work has been done. It’s Wow, and Glory, Wow! It’s it’s just amazing. I didn’t have much visuals. I don’t usually, but for Glory. Wow. I was looking down at Earth, still in the atmosphere, but everything looks so glorious, shiny, bright, radiant. That was just amazing. And I can’t wait for the class next weekend. And a general sense of higher consciousness throughout. It’s so beneficial for everyone in the group, and everything, and everyone on Earth. Oh, great combination of focusing on Mars, the Moon and especially the relationship between the three. That’s all very good, very good.

Yeah, it was wonderful. I was watching, seeing a lot of visuals when everything was going on. But what what really upped it intensely for me was when we got to the Golden Cosmic Heart. I was just like, oh my gosh, I could actually do this, and I’ve been doing it. Then when we got to Three in One, and Re-Create Sat Yuga, and the Glory and all that, I could see all these visions, and Infinite Rainbows, I’m like, John, you’re speaking my language. It’s so wonderful that you can coordinate all this for all of us.  It was glorious. And when you did the Worthiness, part of my human said, Oh thank you, because sometimes others perceptions of us can hurt our feelings, and it was beautiful.

Usually, I’m more of a feeling type person.  I always have felt the energies within my body. This time it was a little different, I had more of impressions and snippets of things related to what you were saying, as well as bringing in some family situations and all that were okay. And the ones that tended to pop out more were, there were faces, and no one in particular, but I would have these faces in the beginning. At one point, when you were talking about clearing out a lot of the negative entities and whatnot, we had these faces falling down through a tunnel per se, and like this tunnel of darkness was just swallowing them all up. Then at one point, I even saw a person scaling a mountainside and the sensation that came from that was like, Okay, it may be tough, but it’s doable, and we’re working at it, and we’re moving forward, and actually even a sense of completion to a point. And of course, your Glory energy is absolutely glorious. The overall sense of peace and happiness that came forward from that was wonderful. So, I’m looking forward to next Sunday’s class. And then the the overall sense at the end is that yes, we are proceeding, and things are happening, and as tough as it may be, and scary and frightful, we are moving forward, and good things are happening. So, thank you very much for all of this I am most grateful.

I don’t have a lot to say, there was a lot of energy, a lot for me to the point where I got a little nauseous and I had to drink some water because of all of it coming in. But I’m gonna go back to Glory, like everybody else.  The thing that came to my mind when the Glory energy came in was just being completely aware at all times. Because that’s how we’re going to experience the glory of the Earth. The other energy that more on a personal level that really affected me was Release and Letting Go. So, I have a hard time letting go of things and attachments. So that was really a strong energy for me personally, and I know a lot of people probably get a lot out of that too. That was great.

2022-09-04 WOW – Sunday

I’ll say a couple things here. One of the energies I hadn’t experienced before was your Golden Green healing energy. That was new to me, and I believe it’s a Divine Source Energy. The reason I think that over this past week, I’ve had kind of a new experience when Divine Source comes. I smell a cover a fragrant, deep, heavy smell that’s like multi-dimensional, it’s hard to explain that unique smell. Very pleasant, very sweet. That’s happened a couple of times this past week when Divine Source has come to me. So, when we were running this energy, I had that overwhelming smell come in, and I asked Divine Source, and he said that was Divine Source energy. Interesting, it’s very soothing. I Really like that energy. I’m going to play with that. That’s really cool. I like that. I see a lot of potential with that.

I’m listening to you talking about the Golden Green energy and I’m going to agree it comes from Source, but also I got Green Tara, but it can be one of the other Divine Mothers.  Working on London, oh boy, that was a heavy one. We need to do more of that, way more, and Israel, so we could do two big heavy ones. I felt this shift start when we were bringing in the Golden Cosmic Heart and the Forgiveness. I got the word lagoon because we’re really getting deep into these secretive places.  The universe is making me lighten up or something because I saw all these beings that no longer have to be here, go floating up and out of here. The energy of Glory, Whew! and Heaven on Earth, almost back-to-back, John really? My eyes started to tear up.  It’s getting stronger each time. We’ve gotta keep doing this. I’m so appreciative of all of it and the group. Thank you.

I’m like, that’s incredible. Oh, my gosh. I don’t even know where to begin, because so many things are happening. At the Green Energy, I saw a monk kneeling down, up and down, just this monk, and I could see the Green thickness going through everything, just filling any void. It was great. It was great. And that Golden Cosmic Heart, the wash of the heat of that, it’s very warm, flushing, you know?  At Worthiness, literally, I saw people with headphones on and the plug at the end of them was plugging into Worthiness.  That’s the image that I got. It was it was like it’s getting into their brains.  The only other thing was the Glory Energy.  My whole body vibrates when I really get into a deep meditation and with Glory, it started like I had the vibration and movement in my lower chakras and then comes up to the upper chakras. And it ended up being an infinity symbol going from low to high to low to high, low to high. And then side to side, side to side. So yeah, it was beautiful.

When we got to London, I don’t think we ever did it before.  It overwhelmed me, my entire energy was sapped out of me, because it needed so much. And when we got to Jerusalem, thank God. It was a relief.  It’s as if Jerusalem has already done a lot of cleansing. Whereas in London well, we got to go back there, for sure. And when we got to Moscow, I felt a stab, like a big deep stab in the lower part of my body. I knew this was just energetic, but it was really strange. So I guess Moscow needs to be revisited also. I think we’re making progress. And I thank you very much. Well, thank you all for being in the group too.

I’m just so thankful and grateful to be part of this work on the world. I don’t have much to say except on top of helping the beings living in finite dimensions, it’s really helping humanity overall. And it’s just beautiful to see the work being done on them. And then the results afterwards, and the next few days. There is so much that has been achieved. And there is so much that we are doing. It’s just beautiful to see it. I’m just so thankful to be part of this group and to take part in this work, because it’s just beautiful. So, and thank you for Glory, because with this glimpse of what it’s like upstairs, you don’t want to come back. But we still have work to do here.

Yeah, and Heaven on Earth. And thank you for Worthiness. This is really what I feel like humanity needs, just a little push about being grateful, being thankful. And getting that love and sense of worthiness, just this little push to make that shift for everyone.

I really felt that the adding Understanding to Forgiveness, so it was Forgiveness with Understanding made a very large difference for that. That was deepened did a lot and then with the Golden Green energy coming in, that was amazing.

To be able to receive all these energies, and then to share all these energies is so profound. Thank you.

While we concentrate on the humans, the spirits and Gaia, I feel that we forget the animals. They don’t have a voice, and they suffer very much as well. Let’s find a way to remember them, they are part of the equation.  The strangest feeling came over me while visiting the middle eastern capitals: I felt that all the suffering they have been going through was a sort of cleansing. Not that they are clean, but a lot of the deep-rooted elements have already left. I was very surprised to get that feeling, and hope that I am correct. I doubt that I am making it up, because this goes totally against my thoughts.  I love our zoom calls, thank you so much for organizing them.

2022-08-25 WOW – Thursday

Okay. Our work on China and Beijing is coming up to my consciousness right now. I personally feel it’s shifting there. But it’s going to have to be ongoing for a while. There’s some stuff leaving, it’s unraveling. And it also affects the whole area, like neighboring countries. When we got to Afghanistan, that was huge. And going into the land that was really good. Because of all the impressions of war energy coming up. This was very thorough. I could see where things started to get lightened up at the end inside the sphere. What was funny to me, I got the tree collective. So, it’s like the trees needed assistance. And they were responding. Right. which was really needed. I don’t usually get Mother Durga, but I got her really strong, and they had one Maitreyan.  A lot of saints came at the beginning and then a lot of the Hindu gods and goddesses were really present. With Afghanistan, there was a lot of angelic help that came. And oh my god. This Lies into Truth stuff. The biggest thing I’m remembering is the ancestors. I got really hot to fly through. I think we got to do that a couple times. I’m glad you always include us because I really needed some assistance there. I do know we’re making a difference and I could see a lot of their  medicine men, or their leaders in these countries, that I could sense them. You know, like everybody’s helping.  I really got we need to include that the nature spirits get help, because the nature spirits got manipulated. It’s like Gaia knows that those beings need help. A lot of things were coming up. It was really, really good. And when you get to that gold, now the green gold energy, I keep feeling like it has to do with the Green Tara. And not limiting to that, but that’s what it feels like to me. Yeah, it’s most beautiful. I’m so excited when you say it, cuz it’s just like a healing elixir. And I know it’s much more than what we know right now. Right? And it’s really helping. And it’s always a blessing to be on this call.

Hi, everyone. So what stood out the most this morning was the Lies into Truth, Complaining into Gratitude, and Forgiveness. I get that sense every time we run them in the group and this morning, it feels this is helping humanity a lot, people on Earth, living their lives. They are very soothing and peaceful energies and I always get this idea that this is helping humanity to progress to where they need to go in order to find harmony, and who they are, and what they’ve come here for. And Embody Heaven on Earth was well, deep sense of harmony with nature and likeness. And interestingly enough, it also felt like it’s already present, it’s already happening. And that it is just a matter of shifting your energy and vibration to see the beauty of Earth right now.

I really saw the golden light today. It was beautiful. It was transcendent experience.  I just got this, like looking at the sun. It was very brilliant, beautiful, golden light.  I kind of know this on a certain intellectual level about the Forgiveness because I am always very happy that we do are the Lies the Truth. Because that’s one of my deepest prayers every single day. There’s really nothing to forgive, it’s all perfect. Everything is in perfect divine order. And it’s kind of like what you said when I was saying let’s pray for the children, and you said well, you know, it is the karma, right? It’s their erasing, you might say or balancing, through some type of suffering. But  it was just this whole sense of everything is in perfect divine order. And that one of the ways to get to the place of forgiveness is to realize there really isn’t anything to forgive, and that it’s all been perfectly, from a big picture viewpoint, perfectly arranged, you know, for us to grow and to elevate, to heal the past.

Whenever you get to that sphere with what I call, the naughties, it got so filled up, it got so filled up.  I don’t see who goes in there, just black forms or shadows. You get right into it and it gets really full. And always makes me laugh. Divine Mother gives us always a lot of grace. And that’s what, at this particular time, we’re getting.

2022-08-21 WOW – Sunday

I’m ready, but it’s just a lot. Oh my god. There’s a couple of places we got to revisit. It was really good. A lot of work. One that stuck at the most me was around the moon. The communications between the moon going back and forth between the Earth. I got lunar forces, whatever that means, but there was a lot of clearing going on there. Probably just started to touch it. And that’s sphere that you put around the naughties. My whole left brain. Yeah, that was quite interesting there. That was really, really, the Angelics came a lot of angels like felt the more when we were working on the moon. You were, some parts of Asia, we need to also go back like North Korea, and Japan, and Taiwan. I felt like that was good. We’ve got to stay a little bit longer.

I’m ready, but it’s just a lot. Oh my god. There’s a couple of places we got to revisit. It was really good. A lot of work. One that stuck at the most me was around the moon. The communications between the moon, going back and forth between the Earth. I got lunar forces, whatever that means, but there was a lot of clearing going on there. And that sphere that you put around the naughties. My whole left brain, that was quite interesting there. The Angelics came, a lot of angels, like felt the most when we were working on the moon. Some parts of Asia, we need to also go back to like North Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. I felt like that was good. We’ve got to stay a little bit longer.

Well, first of all, thank you so much, John. Because I feel that every time we do it, it gets more and more powerful and important. Now, when we were working on the tunnels, I feel that the more we work on those tunnels, the weaker they get. And for some reason, I felt that if we keep at it, we’re going to be able to collapse some of them. That was my feeling that like we are weakening them.  The underground tunnels, the bad ones, now, I found myself going into the sphere where the baddies were with green, very thick green bottles of blue liquid and distributing them to them, thinking go ahead and drink it, it’s gonna be even better for you to convert. Okay, I don’t know why those bottles were thick and green. But that was it and that was just giving it out. They were taking them, and I ended up drinking one of them myself for comfort.

I’m still coming out. Difficult to find the words before I’ve been silent. It’s been intense, but definitely more manageable than last time when we did it on Thursday. Actually, after Thursday took me until the evening to feel better. And I had to cleanse myself, that was very intense that day, and I guess that’s what happens when you’re a warrior.  You have to be ready. I felt the energy. Definitely more manageable when we did the work on China and the Northern Pacific Ocean. So, it seems they have been some benefits to the work we did last time. Lies into truth was pretty intense, doing the great work there. Golden Cosmic Heart was pretty beneficial as well. Overall experience was more manageable than Thursday. doing similar work.  I feel we are improving the situation. I’m very happy for that.  I’m very glad to be part of it with everyone.  Thank you so much.

Well, I felt like this one was more intense than I have ever experienced, and I almost don’t remember a whole lot in that, in the beginning, I do remember, at one point, I’m envisioning all that you were saying. And then I saw like light shining through a closed door as if we were trying to burst through and bust it open. And at that point that it was a strange feeling. Over my whole body, almost, it was softer, but yet, in a way made me feel a little nauseous, but yet not truly sick, if that makes sense. And then purple light came all around, and I felt a whole lot better. I knew that there were other things that happened. But at one point or another, I must have zoned out. I mean, I remember hearing you. And then all of a sudden, all I remember is hearing you say So whoever’s ready to speak, and the feeling my whole body is still tingling. So, this one just feels a little stronger than what I’ve experienced before.

We have a lot of help on this.  We have so many forces with us, that’s what’s great about it. And they’ve been doing the work, but it gets more unified like this. It’s really good.

2022-08-11 WOW – Thursday

That was most powerful and most needed. I felt Quan Yin and her dragons very strong, helping, and a lot of forces were with us, with Divine Mother.  I saw a lot of ancestor spirits coming up. So, I’m glad when you went there with the ancestor part of it. I saw dragons coming out, I was really far away, so I was able to see a little bit. And when you said over Beijing, that was a big deal. I’m laughing because it was really strong. So what it was at the green, yellow, or my saying it wrong, that really helped.

The other thing I got was that this portal where this biggest monster came from is actually in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. We need to get rid of that portal. The tunnels coming from it are heading east. And the the first opening was in China, now it’s going to backtrack and there are tunnels that will open in Russia, India, Africa, Mexico and the United States. You can’t move the tunnels. They’re already in place. So, we’re gonna have to do those as one offs. And we’re also going to have to close the portal in the Pacific Ocean.

But the fact that it surfaced, and we could see it and work with it and everything is like R was saying, it’s like, we have come so far to just to be able to see it and to work on it. So, it’s amazing that we can actually see what’s going on.

I did want to mention that when you started listing China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, whatever, that I felt like, if we were the round earth, that below us on the opposite side of where we are, that black hole started regurgitating up this black sludge. I mean, it was like Mother Earth was trying to vomit it out. It was explosive. And my first thought was that I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t hear of a volcano or earthquake on just what the part of the world we just worked on. We don’t hear something as that confirmation that they were regurgitating whatever that being or demon or whatever that was. I mean, she just threw it up. And it was just black sludge. I mean, it was slimy black sludge. I heard the word vomit, and I went oh my god, what is going on. But at the end when you mentioned about this scar or residue, I started smiling. I said, Okay, that was where the black sludge was throwing up. So, I think what we did today was certainly effective. I didn’t get anything on the dragons. I just felt they were okay. And what you were doing was working and the black sludge was really traumatic for me.

Just one other comment for me, when you were talking about the yellow green light, I felt for me personally, it was Quan Yin.

So yeah, that was an interesting experience for me. Pretty intense. I actually blanked out for a few minutes. So yeah, I did feel that was important session this morning. I’m glad I took part in it. And thank you, everyone for your comments. Very insightful.

2022-08-07 WOW – Sunday

Yes. That was wonderful. There were certain parts where I was coughing because of the big changes.  I feel really good because I I’m originally from New York, so when you said New York, I wanted to jump up and down. When you said the divine masculine, divine feminine and union, I started coughing, so we’ve got to stay on that one. Golden Cosmic Heart went out to our solar system, that was quite beautiful.  I got  Metatron, Lord Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma when you’re talking about Sat Yuga coming in, right.  I can feel the changes every time we do this. I feel like it keeps going in deeper. And for me it’s really working. It’s really a blessing. It’s beyond miracles what’s going on here. And I thank you.

Well, again, thank you, the intensity was really ratcheted up this time. Very, very powerful. I again went to New Zealand and like, it seems like across from New Zealand, there’s an underwater mountain and I was drawn back there again to send extra healing in that area. And being a DC native like R and the things I see often correspond with with where R is.  I was very happy to have that extra energy around the DC area. Just, just profound. The changes, the intensity, the increasing of the intensity. It’s definitely working. Thank you, John.

I say it’s beyond them, that you just feel hopeful and optimistic, despite everything that’s going on, you just really feel that everything that’s going on as needed, and there is deep sense of acceptance. But at the same time, it’s really good to know that we are supported, and we can always call them to support and grow through these challenges.

Yeah, I felt all the presence of all these divine beings, and the connection and unity. And yeah, it was really, really nice.

I thought this was also really, really deep. It has been getting deeper. I appreciated the removal of a lot of negativities, the karma, and the golden cosmic heart was really strong coming in after that, and when cords were cut, that sort of thing.

These will be transcribed as time allows:




2022-07-10 WOW Experiences – Sunday

Hi, John. You got to be kidding, talk about being reborn! I don’t, it’s not even that word. It’s beyond, it’s beyond beyond, that. Okay. Say I mean I should think I needed the most help with personally and I’m glad you went there was with the moon,  I could feel real shift, like the communication and then going into that. What is that? That’s that potential space. I can barely talk. I’m glad we went to the Moon thing, because I can working on my stomach as well. Oh my god. That was huge. I mean, the whole thing was huge. I got that was saying all this stuff. There were facilities, and underground facilities, not just bases, under these mountains. It even went there and I don’t usually think about it that way. But that’s how it surfaced.  This went very deep and touched everything. I saw a lot of indigenous whenever we do this. I see the shaman, you said New Zealand. I forgot what it was they aborigines. I’m not saying it right. The Maori.  I found a representative really picking this up. I don’t know what’s going on here. But that’s what I saw. Everything was covered. This was from soup to nuts. Breathing in Mother/Father. I mean, if we aren’t changed after this, there’s something that’s not right about this. Okay.  Yeah, I’m going to call my higher beingness knew already you were going to do this. Because I got very huge very fast. And that is still going on. I really expanded and just let go and just changed. You have to be changed after this. You know, there’s no way you’re going to retain.  I got New Heaven, New Earth. Yeah. New Heaven, New Earth. They want you to hear that New Heaven, New Earth. And also, a New Garden of Eden is what I heard. And when you said Guardians that was needed, my whole body shook. Yes.  I could see or kind of see that, that cosmic tree of life. It was awesome.

I felt a tremendous amount of energy today, which was great. I wanted to say I really appreciate the breathing in Divine Mother. So now I really felt that tremendously. And I’m gonna go into my meditations and throughout the day, in a whole new way now, because I’m going to feel that every time I take a deep breath, breathing in Divine Mother. So, thank you. Thank you so much for that. That was great!

I have something to share. I think I already felt right at the beginning that we were up for something bigger because I think when it happened was when you created the sphere around the solar system, I got really nauseated and a lot of pressure in the back of my head. And I was thinking what’s going on today, this is totally different, new and then it went away. The energy was just so amped up. Crazy. And it almost feels like you never want to get out of meditation, I get this and don’t do anything else. Amazingly beautiful. And I also had one point where I saw a group of women, of Sri Lankan women walking, dressed in the most beautiful colors, and singing some Sri Lankan songs, and being totally happy and joyful. And I felt that was kind of like a sign that good things will be coming to the country again, and the women will carry more now.

Well, John, that was so deep for me. I don’t know where I went. But I think I might have missed the part of what she just mentioned about the breathing in the mind of Divine Mother.

This was a blessing.  Coming back through the veil, I was a being of light. What a wonderful feeling.

I didn’t say much because at the beginning, there was so much energy, my legs were like shaking uncontrollably for a few minutes. And then I kept checking in and out. And I was having the hardest time to concentrate this day with you. I just kept going, I don’t know where.

I don’t really see things, but what was interesting this time was towards the end, I could see a blue grid. And little by little the grid opened up. And that’s something I’ve never seen before. It was almost completely opened. And it was blue. And I thought this was really cool.

At the beginning, when we went down into the waters, I saw blobs. And that energy went in and just eradicated them almost instantly, but it was rather taken by surprise on them.  I’ve loved being in the solar and it was as if I was inside both of those spheres. But yet on the outside and visualizing them, almost as if I was going in, in and out at the same time. That was amazing to say the least. And somewhere toward the end, I was consciously hearing you and then not, and off somewhere. But at one point I did have just fully encompassing bright royal blue colors, and then tinged just a little bit on the outer edge, and greens. The colors were indescribable, and it just felt all encompassing. Amazing, amazing feeling. What a marvelous experience. Thank you to you and Divine Mother.

I feel like I feel like you’re truly divinely inspired. Really I mean, being able to follow to be able to tune in and take us there.  You’re gifted, I said you are gifted John, I was thinking the same thing.

Oh, John, I’ve picked up Sai Baba, and I haven’t thought about Sai Baba in a long time.  He came in front of me with the Afro, and then he left.  We’ve been attracting a lot of interesting masters I’ll say, they’re coming in slowly.

These will be transcribed as/if I get the time.

2022-06-30 WOW Experiences – Thursday

2022-06-26 WOW Experiences – Sunday

2022-06-16 WOW Experiences – Thursday

2022-06-12 WOW Experiences – Sunday

2022-06-02 WOW Experiences – Thursday

2022-05-29 WOW Experiences – Sunday

We had a lot of Archangels, a lot of Archangels this time, I can really feel them and I was getting names and you are attracting more and more Galactics, it’s sort of because they’re sound, so the word’s out and they’re showing up.

It was overwhelming, love overwhelming, and for me it was more about energy flows today. And yeah, a lot of love energy to integrate. It’s just difficult to find words, to the experience these energies is just beautiful. So, thank you so much, John. Divine Mother and all divine beings.

(more coming here soon)

2022-05-19 WOW Experiences Thursday

Hi, John.  I’m in tears right now. This was so needed right after this eclipse in the Scorpio.  The energy loosened up a lot of things and I could feel a lot of stress leaving the planet. I felt the indigenous down in South America were picking up on what we’re doing.  This is like the second time I felt it.  I don’t usually pick up Lord Ganesh, but I picked up on him and Metatron this morning, so I knew this was going to be a very important call and I’m in tears.  I saw gold filaments, that was the only visual,  it was mostly a feeling experience.  The oceans really needed it, and I did feel sensations with the elementals needing the assistance, so we need to do a lot more of that.  It’s working John, it is working.  I’m very grateful to be on the call, so many beings are helping us and we’re doing our part in our missions with you. Thank you.

I am just so overflowing with gratitude. The first place I noticed energy going, other than where we were being directed, was in the earth, and I saw this big eye, and what I realized was that it was a big whale coming up to look up at me. So, I sent a lot of energy over and above what we were doing to our whales and dolphins and our creatures of the seas. Again, so wonderful that we did both the air and the water, sustaining our lives as well as what Gaia did. I also wanted to mention that I’m so grateful for the downloads that we received from the Vedas. Oh boy was that nice important footing that came through. Wonderful, so good. I’m so in love with what we’re doing and so grateful.

First of all, thank you so much, I enjoy every one of our sessions, and it just keeps getting better. But what was really great this time was when we got to the Laws of Manu.  I found myself looking at the Congress of the US, and it was like this veil was coming down. It felt like when somebody is hypnotized, and all of a sudden there’s a spark, and they wake up. And they were getting sparks, and they were waking up. I couldn’t sustain it to wake up everybody, but I’m going back there for sure. It was just amazing, and they were shaking, like “whew where was I”. It was absolutely a wonderful feeling. I worked a lot on Gaia. I started from the bottom and I cleared up first the North South channel if you want, and then the East West one. And  after we got to the Golden Rain, I was kind of able to get into the core of Gaia, and it felt like it was really cleansing. So, I’m also going back there. And I thank you.

I’ve been seeing and thinking that when people at this particular time in reference to Congress bring in their own truths, they really need to wrap it in a lot of logic. That’s what I’ve been praying for, and we did some of that today. So, I’m on the same wavelength, as you’re thinking about Congress.   Also, John, the orb or the sphere that was at the Antarctic, I got that it’s sort of a device that has to do with communications from other galaxies, kind of like an antenna or satellite. That’s where the information comes in.

For me, the elementals, Gaia, Earth, water, and nature was so strong. The healing was just mind blowing, all the amount of karmic healing was for Earth. Healing Earth karma, not all the people, but the Earth itself, the planet and the elements. It’s a new experience for me. I’ve never really thought about anything like that before, but it was really strong.  If that’s true, and we clear earthly karma that would help the environment tremendously.  It was clearing so the elementals can actually merge together into a massive energy, but all integrated and cleansed.

That Lies into Truth, I felt that really strong at the beginning of the call.  We got to always do that one, when you brought in Sat Yuga, I felt that by the way, I can’t tell you how, but it felt really good. That was really beautiful. Everything that you bring it in here, forgiveness, all of it, you know it’s all needed, or wanted. Thank you.

2022-05-15 WOW Experiences – Sunday

I may share. Well, first of all, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. It’s just, it’s just amazing. It’s so interesting, because every time we have a session, I’m like, Okay, this can’t be any better than the previous time. And every time it’s new experiences and new feelings and new insight. And coming out of each of them you just feel renewed and it’s really hard to describe.  And today, I really want to share because a lot of things happened, and I  got messages. There were so many people around the earth that was really like a big party and all those amazing And, oh, these great beings so powerful, but at the same time, so humble. It’s so humbling being among these extraordinary beings, and that are just willing to share any of this experience with us. And helping us grow. It’s such an honor. And so, seeing the earth with this blue glow, just encompassing the old fear of Earth and you have this indescribable overwhelming energy. It’s so powerful. You can just surrender to it. You can’t speak, you can’t try to analyze, you can’t try to understand, you just get this.  It’s really, really, strong. 

You ran so many different energies.  Seeing the beings turning white as they were getting purified, and all the other great beings relaying these energies, we were all around the earth like a network, like a web  There were all these energy channels on top of the blue rain and blue liquid doing its own thing by itself. And Divine Mother supervising it all. That was Wow, impressive to see and experience. So, I’ve never experienced this, but I got to see all the great souls, like just flashing lights, like how you say shooting stars, shooting stars. Going upwards, and then again, like nothing could resist the power of love that each of these souls had to share to all the recipients. That was very pleasing to see. That was that was pretty much it for blue rain and blue liquids, like this just infinite glow and waves of blue energy coming at you and making you feel so good. Then you started to run all these different energies. For Lies into Truth, what I got was straight away, this picture of Putin in light, just like white light all around it, no space, no time, just Putin in it by himself in the lights. And he just couldn’t hide anywhere because there was only light. Then what was interesting was a prism showed up. And light was coming through that prism and turning into the colors of the rainbow. And my understanding was for Putin to see, the different components of lights that are the component of truth? And really forcing Putin, No, you can’t look away. This is it, you have to look at the truth, because he lied to himself for so long. And that’s why we are in this situation today. Not because of the lies he said to people, but because of the lies he said to himself for so long. And obviously he has so much power that this has an impact on the Russian society, Europe, and everyone across the world. So yeah, I feel that was very beneficial to run this, especially for him. Then when it comes to, Distribution, so what I got there is for everyone on Earth to see abundance is all around us. There is no scarcity, there is only abundance. So what I got is the idea for us all to realize there is no scarcity, there is just abundance. That’s only what there is. And by realizing there is no scarcity, of course, we will no longer feel scared to keep what we have for ourselves, just for ourselves, and be like, Oh, of course I can share what I’ve got. So that was an interesting experience too there. Then, I’m trying to remember.  I remember Human Blueprint. I want to take the class. There is no word, so I think this one is very personal. I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone here had a different experience. But I just left my body. I was somewhere else, and like all these fractals, visuals, happening and unfolding, I saw Fibonacci ratio absolutely everywhere with all colors. And, and it was kind of like myself being restructured according to the laws of nature, and I want to take the class because I really want to see and go deeper into this energy and see where it leads. I had a similar experience with the Phoenix Resurrection energy. This is a very personal type of energy there. There was a sense of freedom and feeling lighter.   Then Heaven on Earth, that one was so amazing.  I was pretty much in the future, what’s coming in, what’s going to come to earth, like in a few decades or in a few centuries, but at the same time it felt like today, like it’s happening today, and what was interesting is total union with nature and with Gaia. Like this is really what came out, there will be total union with nature and with Gaia. And what was interesting is no physical pain anymore. And everything, everyone, so fine and light. Total union with nature. And its breeze was like a total new nourishment and a type of new rebirth with each breeze. So, it tells you how amazing is going to be later. And, finally, Gaia is so grateful for this healing and these sessions. She’s so grateful. She really, really wants to thank you, everyone.

That today is Wesak, which is Buddha’s Birthday and enlightenment day. I just came in time from Kataragama, which is one of the most holy places here in Sri Lanka from the Wesak festival puja, the festival light. And I think this was also the reason you know, it’s the full moon the Full Moon in Scorpio that we had such an amazing experience today. It was mind blowing. Thank you. Thank you, for all you shared with us. Very beautiful. We did great. We did really good work today. Very much appreciate from all of you and John. Thank you.

I invited the Arcturians, they really wanted to come join right away. So good.

When we got to Heaven on Earth, and Sat Yuga, then waves of gold, yellow light were coming with patches, the pink light mixed into that. That kind of opened me up nicely, then the one on dissolving the mountains of karma. Working with that I saw gold with tree roots of dark red, going through some kind of weathering up, I know I still have a lot to work on.  I wanted to thank you for working on the mountain of karma. That was excellent. Much needed.

Yes, it’s challenging John to have you get me speechless and then say, let’s talk.  Yes, yes. So, I appreciate it very much, very much.

2022-05-05 WOW Experiences – Thursday

Wow, that was a lot. And definitely most powerful. When you asked for us to envision all of the media, they all started popping up like pimples, and as the blue rain was coming down, it was eliminating the redness, the soreness.  Another thing I tended to remember was the Golden Cosmic Heart, at one point for a second or two, I’d started getting heart palpitations and I remember seeing everything filled with purple, and yet a white heart with wings kind of floating around. Another part was through the Total Vedas, a lot of purple was floating around, but at one point through the Infinite Rainbows, I had the purples, pinks, and blues floating around.  By the end of the Vedas, a whole lot of light was flickering around and sometimes shining like the sun coming through the trees. And, again, at different times the colors from the purples floating around. But, at one point light was coming in and strobing from the right.  At another point, I became very much aware of my house just starting to settle and crack and pop and make all of these different noises. I think it was around the time of the Rainbows.  It was all very beautiful. I was very taken by it. Thank you so much.

Well, I noticed that when we worked on China and North Korea, the energy got really, really, strong. So, I think it was really good that we included that this time. And I also just wanted to share that I took the three and one spheres workshop, and I’ve been using this energy quite a lot, and yesterday evening I used it in a session and it’s just so powerful, and it expanded from Honolulu, where I am, out everywhere over Asia and Australia, and then all around the world. It was just so beautiful. And I was really feeling that things are shifting faster and faster. So, we’re doing good work. I’m so grateful for this group. I’ll be flying to Sri Lanka on Monday. So hopefully once I get there, I can celebrate Wesak, the Buddha birthday death and enlightenment day, there, I hope a big shift will happen then.

This was particularly intense, but really good, intense. And you can just be in total contemplation, so the whole experience, it’s just amazing. And I just feel so grateful for being in this moment, in time and in space with you all and having these experiences. It’s just a blessing.

One thing I wanted to add is the blue rain and blue liquid. It’s just such a beautiful and good and sweet energy. It feels like the more you run it, the more you merge into it. There’s that sense of not understanding, but there is this connection just happening, and maybe understanding would be the most appropriate word. And allowing, allowing, and it’s so beneficial to the planet and on a personal level too. And the energy of Distribution, Lies into Truth, Golden Rain of Divine Wealth, and Forgiveness, really came out as very beneficial. The last three sessions I attended they kept standing out like yes, this is much needed. And, this is very helpful for what humanity is going through.  Today is the time for us to have more clarity. They’re just coming at the right time. So. thank you so much for having them. And today, what stood out was again, blue rain, blue rainbow liquid. I don’t usually get visuals, but I was just so overwhelmed with these blue orbs turning into everything, everywhere blue, and you just soak it in and enjoy. It’s just amazing. Yeah. And Divine Human Blueprint as well. I don’t know if it’s on a personal level or the whole planet, but that was really good today, and even more intense than last Sunday. So, I’m very grateful for this energy.  I got that sense of being greatly elevated with Divine Human Blueprint.

I just feel like it expands, expands, the consciousness, but it’s also deepens it for me. It’s like each one is a building block. You know, it’s kind of like what you mentioned with the Seraphim Blueprint, each one builds on the other. and it’s expanding, but it just gets deeper and deeper and deeper.

2022-05-03 WOW Experiences – Follow-up on Garden of Eden

Sorry, it took longer than I thought to get back to you…so that is life.  In checking on our effectiveness in the clearing of the Garden of Eden, I was getting that we did a great job…  and it is good for now.  I felt there were one or two beings still Blue Rain encapsulated.  But the interesting thing was…you know about the “have a heart” traps to catch animals without harm. My husband had used it years ago to trap a family of squirrels that took up residence in our attic…  That was the image I got…in our clearing and healing, there are like Blue Rain capsules left behind…like a “have a heart” trap left there for further protection against others trying to control it again. Those who attempt to disrupt what we have done will be automatically trapped until they see the light…  WOW…  Thanks for leading this John, it was amazing…I guess whenever the Garden of Eden pops into mind, I will just do a recheck on this information….

2022-04-21 WOW Experiences – Garden of Eden

Thank you, John. Okay. The short version is, Jesus asked me to ask you, and said, I want you to clear the Garden of Eden, I actually started crying, I mean, the emotion that came with it, first of all, overwhelming, like what? And second was, you know, being honored to be a part of it, and I knew it was going to be a group thing. Then I went to bed Thursday night, and I kept hearing call John, call John, call John. And so here we are, as a part of this, that we can, you know, do these kinds of healings, and clearing whatever has been written in the Bible, and whatever we believe about the Garden of Eden would certainly trickled down through all the DNA and all the 1000s of years, to bring really a divine healing to the whole world. And that’s why it seemed to kind of fit in what John was originally planning for today. And so, I asked him, and he said yes.

Just overwhelming gratitude for the help of this group, so powerful.  I can’t even talk Thank you, John. Thank you group.

Hi John, this is R…..  I’m laughing because this is one of the deepest clearings that have happened on in the planet. I wasn’t seeing things necessarily, but energies. I’m firstly feeling this on a very deep cellular level.  It went in very deep, like busting of the Matrix.  I saw a New Creation when you said the “child” was birthed, I just heard New Creation. And I saw the imagery of Adam and Eve shifting, and I saw the Trees running between them and coming into new foliage.  I feel like this planet’s gonna really, individually, and everybody’s going to feel it to a certain level. And I saw the Cross come down, but it was even balanced cross. And I was seeing a lot of rainbow colors, and I know Gaia received this. This was the most intense. I got that Archangel Raziel came in, and there are some readings about him having to do with the Garden of Eden and Adam. So yeah, just on a lot of levels this got shifted. Yeah, it’s more than that. It was big, big thing to do today. Thank you.

Thank you. That was so wonderful because I went from tears to euphoria at the end. And the shift that was made here today is bigger than I think we even know. Oh, my God, I can just continue to cry. But I did see when you’re sometimes just doing it when the person now says do it, John, we were so synched going forward.  And there were individual capsules, when you mentioned the smaller ones, but I was already fighting with the serpent at the point that you nailed him. And I literally saw him fighting to get out of his capsule. And I knew then that this work that all of us did Today is world changing, and R….. you’re absolutely right about the Matrix. The Matrix had manipulative control that has affected us for 1000s of years and is now cleared and I’m wondering how long it’s going to take before we start hearing about really good things, particularly around the Middle East. Changes and thoughts that we’ve just reached so many people today, people and soldiers who will think differently after today. And amazing, amazing work. Thanks, John. Oh my god, this is amazing.

But Jesus knew that we would have the right group and the timing was like 100%

I was down in the in the roots of the tree.  John, he hit everything, that was really good. Because I was down with the soil microbes, and everything. You got Flora, Fauna, you got everything. So, I was down there with the roots. You got all the air, and everything, and then at one point, I just disappeared. I just absolutely disappeared, but I’ve got chills all over. Like I know this change because usually I feel it like that. So, this changed in a lot of different ways because I can feel it change. So good. So good. I didn’t see the snake go; I just saw him trying to get away.

Just very quickly, John, when the trees came out, and they were merging, mine actually went together just before you said that. And, and the birth, it was for me, what I was feeling was the rebirth of our innocence that was taken away. And that the gentleness and the Oneness and the compassion, and the joy is what we’re going to see emerging. And it truly was a rebirth.

Healing the separation between the man and the woman, you know, the yin and the yang, because I saw a lot of figure eights and stuff like that on a lot of dimensions. A lot of levels got shifted.

The Blue Rain made it possible, John, thank you for listening to Divine Mother and creating that and sharing it.

2022-0407 WOW Experiences

When you’re doing the Total Vedas, I mostly saw white light coming down, except when you got to the last chapter the unbounded chapter, it had more of a pinkish, light pinkish color, blended in with white.

After doing the Total Vedas I saw the Earth, it just popped in, in a sort of blue, whitish color, and a white mist that was pulsating, pulsating, you know, like there’s some kind of purification going on. It’s actually very beautiful. And then the Laws of Manu, were mostly golden light coming through. It’s very peaceful. I think Earth feels good.

I just saw mostly gold light coming through the Laws of Manu.

It was very powerful. This is the best one I participated in. I thought the way you did this was with just bringing in all the energies, and not so focused on the individual, like who, or what, so it may not be mentioned in the past few leaders, but I’m just filling everybody with love.

Well, I thank that Divine Biosphere. I crank it up when I go outside. I think that’s really helped me a lot because I was very empathic.

When you enhanced the Divine Biosphere of the Sun, I saw these dark spots here and there, and I just instinctively reached out, like I had giant arms and body, and then just kind of wrapped and cleared it off, like a giant windshield wiper, cleared it off.  The Shield, it was almost a golden metallic color. I saw some streaks in it and I was cleaning those off. Nice. And now we’re repairing the shielding.  That’s what I was doing.  There were black streaks, and I was just scraping it off that shield. But it was metallic gold colored, so, it’s like you couldn’t see through it, but that’s how I experienced it.

2022-04-03 WOW Experiences

Hi, John, that was a lot of work, everything you said was needed. I was getting some interference from the moon. And I heard recently the, what you call the light forces cleaned up the moon. But then I felt like something was going on with the moon and satellites. And I didn’t understand what that was. So, I’m glad later on that you brought up the moon, because that was really needed. There’s something they were doing that was not kosher with the satellites. They were paying attention to all the cylinders you set up, but I was paying attention to rings of dark blue energy around the word communication, which includes propaganda. So, this was outside of Ukraine, like just all the forces, all the buildup, the propaganda, and everything that was shifting. And I’m getting reminded about something to do with Antarctica. They’re pulling energy from Antarctica. So that went up there. I can’t tell you what it was because I’m not supposed to see them, but I can kind of feel into where the shifting was. This dark blue energy was so concentrated in certain spots, and then it would shift.  Putin was almost like in a dead state in a way. Then he started lightening up, they showed that to me quickly. But the other one, the leader in Ukraine, he was more aware. I don’t know why I was seeing that. When you went to Sri Lanka I was seeing the old masters knowing that we were doing, just like images. And they weren’t upset with it, they liked it. But I saw the shifting, Oh My God was that needed, there was some really embedded energies.  And the biggest one was United States. Oh my god, you know, those rooms down below there, that whole area, all their secret stuff going on, that got touched. Oh my god did that get touched in Washington, right underneath with all the little rooms, and I don’t like to say the word AI, I wish I could get another word, but it went through all that, and all the interference.  But the best, the most beautiful thing was with the way Gaia receives the Golden Cosmic Heart and the Three in One energy, my body was actually shaking.  I mean, it was just so beautiful, and I did see it stream through everybody. This was really the most beautiful and at the same time intense. And when I was coming out, they were giving me like, like I was a kid with a headband with a huge butterfly. Because the forces of nature were touched by this. So, it was just a lot and I appreciate showing up. Thank you

They were taking away some bad beings. I don’t remember at what point, but I always see them getting exited out. We got the attention of everybody, all those Galactic Federations, there are way more than one, there are so many. But we got help, and that’s’ all I can tell you. Yeah, they showed up, they showed up.  It’s making all the difference. We just got to keep it up. Thank you..

Well, John, I just want to thank you for doing this for Sri Lanka, especially when you worked on the ancient beings, that was necessary. I know how much is going on there anyways, but this really helped. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, all of you.

Yeah. The Lies into Truth energy also felt Super needed and important, with all the corruption and everything going on.

2022-03-19 WOW Experiences

Earth feels just so much better just as we’ve been going through all these sessions, and then with all the work you did with Ukraine and Putin, with our government and stuff, I just don’t see how there could be World War Three, I think it’s going to dissipate. Be kind of curious to see what happens over the next few weeks.  Now I know there’s been deaths, and everything’s been exaggerated. And Putin could just leave, that would end the whole thing. Now that he accomplished what he wanted to do. So, we’ll see what’s gonna happen, but just Earth just feels so much better. It really does. I think we’ve done a lot of good things. I didn’t see much in a way anything dark. hardly at all. Now, when we did Mars and you were sending the energy there it kind of caught me by guard off guard because there was a giant explosion that occurred and it kind of persisted where there’s spikes of half purple half white, like beams coming out and it persisted. Some massive cosmic explosion occurred there, not physical, just on a cosmic level. some huge, huge change happened.  I just saw this, like an explosion. It wasn’t a physical explosion, a cosmic explosion, something massive happened, some major adjustment occurred. And that persisted for quite a while, then I saw some reds and whites and the spikes were still there. And I think it kind of dissipated, but something major happened there.  With Maldek, I was gone. I don’t know where I went. I don’t recall anything going on there. I know what happened. I was gone.

I appreciated the work on Putin. There was a lot of dark stuff with his energy shells three and four. Red and black, and then purple and black. And with the three in one energy, which was like white iridescent. It was nice to have those open and be able to send that energy in too, I think that was all really powerful.

So, thank you so much for doing this. John, I was gonna say that it was very powerful. And I was thinking, why does he do it to Putin and his administration and stuff like that, and you finally did.  When we went to second layer and to the third layer, that’s when I started feeling more things coming up in. And so, whenever you were putting that divine law in the “three in one”, there just suddenly disappear. It was very powerful. And then whenever you put it in the United States, in Washington, it’s like, Whoa, I feel some much in my body, I started feeling stuff in my body.  There was a lot of things clearing in cleaning and healing in my body. And I was like, whoa, strange, because I feel that in Russia, with Putin, I felt like he was from separation like that was him and not me. But whenever it came to the United States, I feel it’s so much with the me. And that was amazing, and also strange. But there was a lot of healing. Thank you so very much.

I appreciate it very much that you did the shells this time.  When we put in the cylinders, for me what was interesting is that, like, when we worked in the Ukraine, I could also feel a lot in my body. So, I could feel kind of like a queasy feeling in my tummy. And then when we worked on Putin in Russia, it was all in the heart. And with America it was just like an expansion, like it spread out very, very far. I can’t really say why it happened this way. But it seemed like totally different energies for the different cylinders that we, that we put around, and established, and worked with. So, I yeah, I think we did a pretty good job today. Yeah.

Mars was interesting energy as well. I think especially when we did Mars, Earth, Moon and Maldek, that felt like it was really needed, very, very strong and in a deep, deep connection between those celestial bodies somehow, Mars, I felt a lot going on in my heart. Like it was so needed. We did that to bring in the love, especially when we did the golden cosmic heart love energy. Yeah, yeah. Cosmic heart. Yeah, that’s when it kind of felt like, Damn, it was really strong.

I just felt really grateful to be able to participate in this and kind of add my part or add my energy to it. Specifically, when you came to the United States, I felt it broader and more open and lighter. And it just felt more positive in a way. When you got to Maldek, it hit me emotionally and I actually started to weep. So, it’s possible that I had some experience there that was coming up for me. But mostly I’ve just felt gratitude today in a very deep sense of, of purpose. So, thank you, John, very much. It was it was beautiful.

So, when you started the 3in1 energy, I asked them to start off at the highest possible level, just blast me but don’t blow me up. And so, I immediately felt I saw some golden light I felt like these very warm beams like coming in almost were to have searing but No, it wasn’t painful. And then I pretty much settled down and I was like on some celestial plane, there’s a beautiful Golden Lake.  Lake made of gold light, maybe some mountains off in the distance, and there’s just different plane when you had gone and decided to crank it up, you know do different levels you went down to one that became very dim, you know? And then finally we got by level 9 or 10 I was at that lake kind of thing, and I saw white star off in the distance there’s some celestial plane. I asked what level I was at and was told that it was actually level 20 when I first started off and I got that it was 14th dimensional energy and it’s very soothing. I also had a lot expansion of my heart with this gold light expansion, which I think I probably need a lot.

Yeah, I thought the 3in1 was really powerful too. And it was interesting, the levels, because 1 through 5 it felt like I was almost ascending very slightly with each one. Yeah, and expanding, and then 5 to 10 it got to my heart and it was more expanding there. And then at 10, between 10 and 15, there was a, almost a vibration of my body. And that went up to 10 and then be kept on expanding to 15. And when you went to Optimum, then it softened and opened, and I think it’s settled around 10 with still some of the vibration, and both feeling the expansion in, in the whole body in the heart.

The 3in1 felt very strong, and then when you went to the level one, two, and so on, it started to get stronger again. But I also got that it was strengthening me, like I constantly heard stronger, strengthened stronger. So that’s why I kind of let it be and it was, hand able, like it was never too much, but it was it was a good intensity. Like because you said you had worries about if the new 3in1 is strong enough or not. So, I felt it was it will probably be very beneficial for a lot of people.

I think the best description that I have for it at the beginning was effervescent. It’s as if it was into each one of the cells and working on the DNA and kind of like an old Alka Seltzer.

2022-03-06 WOW Experiences, and some WOM (Work on Moon) Experiences

With the wealth, I’m going to tell you it was so strong right before you brought the Golden Rain of Divine Wealth and Prosperity I saw the energy really lighten up on the planet about abundance and everything. I don’t know why they used London, maybe it was just a metaphor, where the wealth and the money and was getting loosened up, but it was like moving from those places. It came in so strong. I had to tell you to remember it. Yes, it’s like the strongholds or whatever you want to call it was loosening.

When you got to the Three in One Energy, that perked me up. I saw a lot of golden light and everything. Mikey really likes that energy, it’s very nice. When we did that for Ukraine and put the cylinder around it, I saw a white light kind of building up. I didn’t see as much white light, around Moscow, but mostly with Ukraine. And it kept growing in intensity. And in my heart, I know we helped relieve a lot of suffering and pain. It’s good. Felt good, to be a big part of that.

That was awesome. Thank you for doing this. I like that you brought Thor in. Yeah, everything’s really awesome. I’m definitely on board to keep going with all this. I don’t really see like everyone else is seeing all this, but I definitely felt a lot of like really heavy energy before and just sadness and I guess I kind of saw some like just darker, like almost like tar wrapped around, but it was wrapped around me, but I think it’s representing the world we’re working on or something, but it felt like it was over me. It was weird. And it was just like getting lifted off and like disintegrated. It wasn’t easy. All the Tools are definitely necessary because it was like tar, sticky and dark. And it was like getting lifted, lifted, changed. And that was like, oh my god, what is going on here. And at one point, it felt like it just disintegrated finally, after like being there for so long. I was oh my god, I don’t know how this is. I’m like, okay, just let it go. Don’t think about it. And then at one point I felt like all this energy flowing through me. And I don’t know why it was around me today. But I feel like it was representing everything we were doing for everybody. Or maybe I needed to feel it for them. I don’t know. Anyway, it definitely changed, the energy completely changed. So, I was like, wow, so yeah, that’s good.

All the tools you’re using kept getting stronger, everything you’re throwing in there was working, because it just kept feeling easier and easier and easier. And then it seems like it just disintegrated and disappeared. I’m like Wow! But there was also in there a lot of a sadness, and tears are coming out. And lack of love, and just not knowing how it even feels, not to explain it just like oh, we’re sending love, sending, but the people can’t receive it, it was like it almost bounces off. And maybe that’s what that tar was, it was like they can’t feel it. And now it feels like that’s lifted. It’s like they’re able now, their capacity is able to allow that love in, so yeah, great.

Those Infinite Rainbows were fun. I love those too. Oh, good.

Thanks, I think you could apply that analogy we’re using about our body to Earth’s body, Earth itself as being a living entity and pockets of that dark tar, that are finally being released. And then us beings, life forms on Earth, also received the benefit from that.

Yeah, and the other thing was, it felt like it was just old programming. It’s not like we’re trying to do anything, it was programmed in, and like almost shoved in and stuck there.  A lot of it’s not knowing. So, it’s not like people do it on purpose. I think it’s what they’re taught. But yeah, the Laws of Manu I think is what made it more the most powerful. I really think that did something different this this time around.

I kept getting guided they needed to do the Tree of Life. So, when I was doing this, I did see Gaia show me that it felt more of a Celtic tree of life to the whole planet when you were doing it, and it came as emerald green.

So that’s exactly how it felt today, with the laws of Manu, there was a huge expansion in time and space.

2022-03-06 WOM – Work on the Moon Experiences

John, thanks for doing the moon, I think it was really needed. When we first started doing that, I could see a lot of darkness. I thought Yikes, I think didn’t think there was that much. And as we continued on it got brighter and brighter. And when you did the Golden Cosmic Heart, I immediately felt this tremendous amount of love, or something come from the moon. I think it was more of a flavor of gratitude. And, and then when you did the Unbounded Divine Love, I think that was very, very much appreciated, it feels much better. Good. Good. Thanks. I think it was needed.

It seemed like some of those dark beings had no idea what a heart is, in terms of an emotional heart. And so, I think it’s a big transition, a huge transition for a lot of them. It’s like they don’t even recognize themselves now.

John that was really needed. Oh my god. I went inside the moon. I guess I wanted to meet my higher aspects. And I kept seeing that ruby red, stay there and all the layers. I went through everything. Divine Mother came in forms of a Hindu goddess, I think it was Parvati, Shiva’s consort.  When you said the moon deva, I kept trying to get the name and you said it because I got it on the left of me. Egyptian energies, they said that ancient technologies had destroyed it.

2022-02-20 Experiences:

That was a lot and that’s why I’m laughing, the synergy is still going on.  I think the universe choose my body to show where places need to be adjusted. I work with the rays so I feel all these rays, and it was for me it was more of a feeling experience. I usually have my clairvoyance on but it was all feeling. And that Golden Cosmic Heart and I heard the Heart of the Milky Way coming in. And when you will going into the layers of the earth I felt like the Inner Earth responded to this. Happy, Yes,Yes. I didn’t see beings, but I could feel the consciousness shifting. The Manu I’m not used to, but I was just lit up, so lit up, this thing with the electronics is one of my pet personal Peeves, I like to help, so I felt like that was so needed. Oh my god, I felt my brain shifting.  I felt the Galactic’s coming in at the end to let you know that they were there. And when you were saying the dark beings need to get off the planet, not to hurt them, but have them go back to where they’re from. I felt Michael’s legions came in to take a really big one away. I am very grateful to be part of the group and you. Let’s just keep doing this.

Thank you for doing this, John, I really appreciate it. I love doing this. It feels so good to be able to help our world and positive space rather than what we’re always fed.

I’m still coming out of it, but it’s been a very strong experience. How very grounding in comparison to the previous sessions. What I’d like to mention is I got more of a feeling of the effect of this session and these energies on humanity and the different leaders in the world, more than what was happening on an astral level, and the energy of Forgiveness. Right away I got these images of the leaders in Eastern Europe and Europe overall. And I did get a sense this will be very beneficial to help deescalate the situation over there. And I got the beautiful visuals, when you started to run the Golden Cosmic Heart. It was kind of like a polishing of the inner surface of the sphere, and everything within it, and this shimmering of these green, kind of like very obvious Iris patterns for the energy of Unbounded Divine Love, and it felt like a perfect mix. They really blend well together. And yeah, it was powerful toward the end of the session, and then again, Three in One is just Wow. So powerful, and could be overbearing, but it’s so beneficial. It’s such a powerful energy. So, yeah, it’s definitely good to have this one during the session.  Oh, and I did feel the assistance of one or several Archangels.

I’ll just say one thing reminded me about the nature spirits and Elementals. I could feel they really felt this. And I’ll say the empaths on this planet felt this on some level. Not everybody’s an empath, but the empaths felt this.

Oh my God, it was so important that you brought up about forgiving God. That’s like a huge piece. Oh, my God, that was a huge shift. That’s like a big, big lift. I’m so blessed right now to be with all of you. And I just said, Just keep going forward with this. Because I work with the energy of Forgiveness.  And Forgiveness I did feel. Oh, my God. It’s an important ingredient to everything you’re doing.

2022-02-05 Experiences:

Thank you so much, John, that was so amazing. I’m in such bliss. Thank you for this community. So happy to be a part of it.

This is full event, maybe New Horizon event in the highest love, like, I feel like I’m quite fitting in all her like her most glorious form right now. I got so many visuals, like just as they open up and let me paint some of the stuff that I’m seeing. It went everywhere. Where there was, let’s say, a denser energy that would pour in like that, that deep liquid. What happened I saw Gaia opened up her garden. And then the people became like flowers and all these vibrations, and everything went through. I mean, everything, even the soil on the capitals. I felt the Angelics to the Galactics and the beings that were sitting in the ships because I do see that sometimes.  I’m still shaking, feeling that when you said Manu and Abundance, I mean it was waves and vibrations and wonders, just say the animals, I could see them receiving it and the land needed it. I mean, I went to a lot of places that needed it. And like they kept me mostly and I think where Asia was I was in another form of Asia, India, Asia and China. But it went everywhere. Just this was over the top beyond and was needed. So, I’m very grateful to be on with you in this group. And all my masters that came and I had Old Master Guide, I haven’t seen in years show up. So, I know this was really important. So, I thank you.

I felt like, especially at the beginning, when you switched to the water and Poseidon, and Neptune I was set. I mean, there was just such a joyful celebration of these beings. And it was just so beautiful. So, each time has been a little different, of course. But this time it really felt like a really joyful celebration.  That we’ve maybe achieved doing something that they were able to really like.  It revitalized everything, it was really, really awesome. And really cool. Thank you.  Yeah, it was like joyful. And I could even see like, Poseidon, and like it just like, all these beings like just going off with a renewed energy on their duties around here.  It was incredible.

I had a lot of visuals in the beginning, when you were doing the blue liquid and then you changed over to do the Total Veda and as that energy is coming in I think it was fusing with the blue rain so it looked like a more of a blue blob, light blue blob, and that kind of spread over the Earth and there’s like a wave that penetrated through another kind of blob, wave pulse, and just coming through pulse pulses, actually really pretty amazing. But I got the idea that the blue rain was fusing with that Total Veda energy and then later on I was seeing waves of gold light coming through I don’t remember exactly where.  One of the New Energies I’ve never even heard of it before, you did the Phoenix Resurrection.  Could you explain a bit more? Is that for Gaia? Or is that for all beings are a little bit more about.

I saw a lot of green coming in and I’ve seen Earth and then like green lights are penetrating and this is mostly focusing on earth, but it was actually very beautiful.  Kind of caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting that. Very powerful energy.

The Phoenix energy, and I felt that a lot of it around America with the flames because there is a Pluto return on top of this. Your timing on this was very much needed, like a dark night of the soul of America. So that’s where I felt it. Okay, it was not too much, it was needed.

And I actually personally felt it. Like, you know, I love this. But I mean, this this whole, what you guided us through in the whole transmission was just, it was like a whole epic movie. Because like I said, I saw the joy. But I mean, there was so many different parts. I mean, I love being in the center of the Earth, with the core that was really an amazing, just intense awesomeness. I mean, just the whole thing. And yeah, being over different parts of the world at different times doing different things just as you were going and, you know, I liked you added some extra things with the Golden Rain of Divine Wealth and Prosperity.  Yeah, so then I saw the blue and the gold come together and just all of it, but it was just like an epic movie. And it just kept building and going. I just liked the whole experience from start to finish, and it was just so global and all around and it was it was just massively Awesome.

Because there was so much I’m starting to remember some of it. When you were doing the Vedas, I saw a kind of Hall of Records type of thing, and the stargates were acknowledging it. I felt all these halls opening up to acknowledge everything that was going on. I’m just opening like, the letters in the Vedas became like energies. Yeah, really interesting.

I’ve been starting with the Total Vedas, and then I go into that just because it’s all of creation. I’m starting with the Total Vedas first and then going into running the other energies, and I’m enjoying that experience.  That’s why I feel like when I do it first, and then I’m in this bubble of awesome creationist, and then I’m just like the most optimal form for myself, because it’s going through all of you, because the Total Veda, this is about creation. So, it just gets me inside of this awesome bubble. And then everything’s inside of it, like you said. Everything does appear to be inside of the Total Vedas. Right, but I’ve been enjoying working it like that, and it’s like a good orchestra. And it’s, it’s really awesome.

Since I took Total Vedas first and then I took the Tree of Life/Knowledge. And then, you know, with a recommendation that start at the beginning of a meditation. So that’s what I do. I may do my Guardian of Gaia stuff, and then maybe connect to Divine Heart. Then I do the total Vedas. And some Meditation Enhancement, and then I go into whatever I’m doing, and it makes everything so much smoother and active, and just a more awesome experience. I feel like it’s just making things magically work more aptly, in my opinion.

Hi, John. I love this very much. It was much stronger and much nicer than the previous one we’ve done. And the Phoenix Resurrection, I absolutely loved that. It was like the whole earth was being raised up into the gold flame. And then there were parts which were falling out to the darkness, unfortunately, but it was a very beautiful vision and experience. Fabulous. I can tell you, the Phoenix Resurrection, whatever it is, I wanted more of it. Yes, and it is hard to come back. It’s so beautiful to be there, and so personally expanding and growing, and for the whole earth that is just beyond any explanation.

One thing that is coming to my mind is I can’t remember which energy you mentioned. Maybe Lies into Truth. And you were guiding the energy to help out beings, physical beings and non-physical beings to find their own truth, inner  truth and get aligned to their life purpose and their dharma. I felt this very much. And I felt this was very, very helpful to the people and whether on earth physically on Earth saw them physically here. I felt this has helped them a lot. And yeah, it’s just a blessing. It’s helping many beings at once with those very powerful energies, it’s very something unique. And on a personal level it got particularly intense when you started to run the different energies after the Blue Rains and the Blue Liquids. And yes, it was just beautiful. And I don’t really have visuals, but when you ran the Golden Rain of Wealth and Prosperity, that was just like planet Earth was glowing of shimmering Golden Rain and throughout the planet, it was just amazing. People here really needed this, and it’s just amazing. We’re just together doing this, and I’m so grateful to be part of it. So, thank you so much. And last but not least, we had a taste of Phoenix Resurrections a couple of months ago also. And you ran it again this morning.  I really enjoyed it last time and yeah, then again, very powerful and beautiful today. So, I’m thrilled, and the Three in One, there’s no words for that.

2022-01-23 Experiences:

Hi, John. I could feel the substance of the Blue Rain. I mean, they use my body, I guess I was in my larger self, Higher Self thing. I was mostly in the oceans. And then it was unnecessary for me to see what was getting cleared, but yeah, there was.  It felt like two beings, but maybe one, and kept getting swirled around and then shifted somehow, it went over to the whole part of Asia, I thought it was China, but it was Asia. I was in the waters mostly, which is really unusual. And I could feel every time you brought in these new energies I shifted, like the Three In One really shifted me. Right? In different parts of my body I was seeing more gold and silver and platinum come in. There was a lot of underground bases, and laboratories, but I didn’t go to look, I just know there was a lot of shifting with that kind of stuff.  I saw this energy go right down to the White House, came all the way down, all the way down onto the ground, and then it went out to all the trees and air. And then I started seeing like rainbow colors and stuff. And in me I got a clearing through my whole, how would you say, not the prana line, not the hara line, the main central channel going all the way back to Source. It was quite interesting. Very powerful. And I would love to continue to do this because it was Awesome.

Well, this is all of us.  I love working in groups. I mean, we could do it individually, but group selects all the way to go. You know, much more power, with Divine Mother and all her emissaries.  I’m going to say one more thing, when we’re talking about Star Seeds, our star families were here. And I was getting names, but I know it’s not important because we’re all associated with different ones. I was sitting most mainly with Shiva if you want to know, some like Shiva, very strong with Shiva. Thank you.

I was in your first one last month and this one, and I felt that the group experience was so much stronger, so much deeper. I saw a lot of ribbons of blue. At one point, I felt like I was out there, and I was grabbing people and we were just swirling. I don’t know. It was it was pretty awesome.

Well, thank you, John, for putting this together. And I was also with you last time, and this time was so much powerful, more powerful. It was amazing.  What I felt is that if we need to work in stages, first up, you know, I was getting feelings, and I could only affect the people that had a veil or film, like the ones that are victim to this hypnotic mass of fear, and to help them to dissolve that fear that is around them. I felt that I was being successful. But then whenever I encountered one of those really dark ones, I mean, it was like, I couldn’t do it. Then once you gave us the tool of the little Blue Swords, and the way, and you said to go up from the bottom, so I would go with a several of them, and I would open up the bottom. And then the person would, or whatever, would come out. It was like the soul of it would come out, and then it would dissolve. And I stayed with it until it dissolved. And, and so this is what I was doing the whole good part of the time. Finally, I got to bigger ones, and made a bigger hole. And then I would have a whole bunch of them coming out. Oh, amazing, a collective. And it felt to me like some people are stuck in there. And maybe sometimes they don’t even really want to be there. And now we have to help them get out. It was Amazing.

It was an amazing experience. Yeah, I’m trying to gather my thoughts and that’s why I’ve been pretty quiet. It’s such an amazing experience. I like to be concise when I describe what I go through. I would go along with Deborah, this session was definitely deeper than the one last month, which I attended to as well. Yeah, just massive waves of Divine Love and I’m just so sucked in that it’s like my brain can’t fathom the power and the significance of these energies and what was done this morning. It’s just amazing. Yeah, and, it’s definitely deeper than last month.  That was very interesting to experience the Distribution Energy. These new energies, Distribution and Witness definitely are a great addition to have in the sessions. And yeah, the Three In One, just so powerful. It’s just, yeah. I’m sorry, I am still so sucked in.

The three converted divine weapon energies, from Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Brahmashira Good. Sudarshana Chakra Good, and the Pashupatastra Good.  It’s good. Yeah, very good.  It seems like these three bring some structures around it all. I don’t know if that’s the right description. But this is the kind of feeling I had with these three energies.

John, can I give you one more visual, their pushing me to mention.  It was an ancient, I don’t know which culture comes out of it, but it was ancient, a different version of what Terra would look like. And She was like an ancient version of Terra dancing. She was doing like a dance with the hands and stuff. Okay, I guess she was moving the energies. So, the sacred dance, I had to add that because it was really powerful. While all this was going on. I could see her dancing.

2021-12-30 Experiences:

The universe was kind of showing me a lot of government centers. I’m just going to say what I’m getting, bases under the earth. Even the things with the satellites, I mean, this went everywhere. It went very deep. And I had different types of shakings in my body, but I could see it like, way off. It’s like a blueberry cake. different layers of the blue and things. Things were leaving, but I didn’t see it. Like I just sensed some movement. Like I felt nature responding to this, like the trees and the oceans. Somehow the communication was there. And the only thing I got that was a human part, because I live in Arizona, I felt like the Native American Chief sense this. And I’m in another shift from the whole thing. So, this was beautiful planetary work. Thank you.

I felt the last one, the Three In One Energy, was not like an energy or a healing frequency, it felt to me more like consciousness, Pure Consciousness. And it felt like all consciousness received an upgrade through this. That’s what I felt, it was very powerful. And maybe we should, or could, or we may work more with this type of healing because of consciousness. Maybe that’s what we need right now.

Yes. It I always look at the numbers. And first of all, thank you so much, John. But also I  think I love the idea that there were 24 of us around the sphere and 24 on top of it. We were perfectly, you know, evenly separated and perfectly positioned. And to me that was that so wonderful. When we got the three Spheres of the Three In One, I felt them coming into my body. So very good.  And then I really had to take a lot of deep breaths to be able to accept them. And then I felt so much strength in my feet. And I just pictured all 24 of us all around that sphere with the hands and the feet going down, you know, in the sphere, just giving it our all, and it was wonderful.

I could feel different textures of the energy. When we switched into the Total Veda, I felt a very distinct textural difference introduced and the only way I can describe it, I was having a lot of visual things and seeing things that didn’t make any sense to me, but I enjoyed it. Very powerful, very soothing. It just seems like things are getting a little bit better. Even though I know we see a lot of darkness around things, but it just seems like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I really noticed a change in the energy when we moved from the Blue Rain to the Total Vedas. I haven’t done the Vedas, but now I’m thinking maybe I want to do that, because it felt so good.

I want to addon that I would love to continue, this is very powerful. It felt really good to be putting our attention, energy power in our tools, and everything we learned, and channeling it into the positive and good, and get sucked into other direction. So, I feel like it’s a gift. And it’s what our Earth and everyone needs. So, I would love to also be joined into a monthly. I like the Three In One, and I like everything we did today. It was really, really cool. Thank you so much, John.

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