Laws of Manu – Divine Operating Manual for Human Beings on Earth

Have you ever been frustrated that there doesn’t seem to be an instruction or operating manual for being a human being in society here on planet Earth? 

  • What is my purpose in life, or Dharma? 
  • Why is there so much suffering in life?
  • How do we know what is truly right or wrong?
  • Why can’t I just do whatever I want?
  • Do we have Free Will or not?
  • What good is Free Will if it just gets people into trouble?
  • How do we lead a good life without being dominated, controlled, and manipulated by other people, political authorities, police, and religious leaders?
  • Why do bad things seem to happen to good people? 
  • Does God/Creator really care about us, or is He/She indifferent?
  • Etc. Etc. Etc.

Human life can be a very confusing and frustrating thing.  Often there doesn’t seem to be any real truth, logic, or fairness to it.  Some people say we have to act or behave in certain ways, and then others say just the opposite, but in the end it seems that neither is right, or WE just don’t want to listen to any of them and we want to do whatever we want regardless of the consequences because nothing makes sense, or we just give up and try to escape from life with drugs and alcohol, or other destructive behaviors.

Not understanding life or knowing how to live properly in alignment with the Laws of Nature and Divine Will has caused untold suffering for humanity throughout the ages.  In the past, throughout different cultures around the world, God or Source tried to pass down numerous rules and codes of conduct through different teachers to tell humans how to live their lives properly in order to be happy and avoid mistakes, hardships and suffering, but usually those rules and codes were too complicated, too long, hard to remember, too rigid and strict, judgmental, and even harder to implement, so people often gave up. 

The Bible (teachings for Christians) has 23,145 verses in the Old Testament, which was then reduced to 7,957 in the New Testament.

The Torah (Instruction, Teaching, Law for Jews) has 5,852 verses from the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.

The Quran (teachings or instructions for Muslims) has 6,236 verses 

The Bhagavad Gita (Instructions for Hindus) has 700 verses.

Then God/Source condensed the rules down from the large arcane books even further to just 10 Commandments, but even those were too hard to follow because they were rules being forced on people from the outside without any internal understanding,

instead of arising naturally and spontaneously from our deepest connection to God/Source and our true divine nature.  Life should not be so hard and confusing.

Over two thousand years ago in India, a great Sage named Manu was selected by the Divine to collect, write down, and bring out all the Laws, Codes, and Rules about proper living for human beings. However, for thousands of years prior to Manu all the Codes were memorized and passed down by oral tradition or written on perishable materials such as wood and paper, so many things were forgotten or lost, and what did survive was often twisted and distorted by humans from its original purity.

Manu’s resulting book was called “Manu-smriti”, the “Law Codes of Manu” or simply the “Laws of Manu”.  It was a large book written in Sanskrit which contained somewhere from 2,694 up to 20,000 stanzas or verses, depending who you’re talking to, that were so strict and confusing that most people gave up and ignored it.  If living properly was that complicated and difficult, then why even bother because it’s impossible. 

Perhaps it would have been forgotten, lost in libraries meant for specialist scholars only, had the British not resurrected it as an instrument to help them rule their Indian colony.  It’s interesting how often powerful rulers adopt or control the local religion or philosophy and then modify it to suit their own needs, such as the British did in India, and the Romans did in the middle east with the Roman Catholic Church, and the Christians and Muslims did throughout their world colonies.

On top of that, over these thousands of years many humans wanted to claim they were the divine authority on Manu’s works in order to be worshipped and elevated, so they often re-translated, modified, twisted, distorted, and changed the Laws to suit their personal beliefs and desires.  In the end, the Laws were so inconsistent, intimidating, and contradictory that many people felt they were never divinely given at all, and so they faded into the annals of forgotten history.

When we first began looking at the Laws of Manu on the subtle levels, as they existed in early October of 2021, they looked like red and black hurricane clouds swirling around a small, quiet, clear eye of a hurricane, and through the center eye one could see the true Laws of Manu coming directly from Source, but there was no way to receive them through all the dark clouds of negativity and distortion created by countless humans and dark forces.

However, a few days later we connected with Lord Manu and explained to Him that he could now work with Divine Mother, Brahma, Vyasa, and Source to bring out all of these Laws in a new pure Divine Energy format that would download and integrate the pure energy, truth and wisdom of the Laws directly into each person’s consciousness and physiology naturally and effortlessly so that there would no longer be any need for books and memorization. This new Divine Energy also helps to remove and correct many of the incorrect and offensive rules and programming that humans and other dark forces may have inserted into the written teachings, or those which are no longer relevant or appropriate in modern society, or different parts of the world. 

In addition, Manu was now able to update and upgrade his Laws with the help and guidance of Divine Mother and Brahma, who are infinitely wise and unconditionally loving.  Once the old ignorance, mistaken beliefs, patterns, habits, desires, judgements, punishments, threats, doubts, fears, etc. are released from us, then our inherent divine nature as Children of God/Source can shine forth naturally and effortlessly.

However, before that could be done, Divine Mother had to do extensive work on dissolving and clearing much of red-black energies that surrounded the Old Laws of Manu so the Divine Truth could shine through.

It’s no wonder that Manu is so happy now with this opportunity to bring it all out in an updated, current, pure, and loving format.  Plus, people don’t have to study and memorize countless rules, and then “try and fail” to live by them.  They simply download daily the pure raw Divine Knowledge directly from Source/God, and then begin to gradually live it more and more spontaneously as it dissolves the blockages and distortions, and naturally integrates the Truth of our Divine Nature into every aspect of their lives.

In this class, we will receive the direct Attunements, Downloads and Integrations from Divine Mother, Manu, God/Source, Brahma, and Vyasa.  We do NOT use any of the old written Laws of Manu. Even though this Divine Energy and Knowledge comes from Manu and Divine Mother, it is Totally Revamped, and we caution people NOT to mix it up with what was written before. Every time I try to read the old written versions of the Laws of Manu, it hurts my soul, and I can’t do it.

The past Age of such harsh, strict, prejudiced, discriminatory, and judgmental laws, and the resulting condemnations to Hell will soon be gone forever for those who take this course and use the energies.  Now we have a new Divine Energy Tool to improve people’s behavior, attitudes, beliefs, emotions, physiology, and knowledge of life very easily and naturally, from the inside out, so they live in greater and greater harmony and alignment with Divine Will, Guidance, Dharma, and the Laws of Nature.  This brings greater happiness, peace, and joy, to replace the fear, guilt, shame, and hopelessness. This is a tool to help bring people out of the Age of Ignorance and into the dawning of the “Age of Heaven on Earth”. 

Dharma has several definitions in different cultures, but in general it means “what we should do and how we should live to have the greatest health, happiness, love, success, and enlightenment in this life”, or more simply our divine purpose in life.  It has been said that “to live one’s life outside of their Dharma is the cause of great suffering, and it would be better to have never lived at all”.  Another saying is, “It is better to live your own Dharma imperfectly, than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.” -Bhagavad Gita

How many people go through their lives in misery, feeling lost and confused like a leaf being blown by an evil wind, never feeling that they are doing what they are meant to do or that they are making far too many mistakes.  They have no reliable and practical way to know how life works or how they should personally align with it to be happy, and how much potential do they truly have that never gets realized.

Think of how hard it has been for children to grow up and learn how to live their lives in the highest and most fulfilling ways.  With these new Divine tools, parents can use this to help confused and troubled children who are trying to figure out “the meaning of life” and “how to live in harmony and happiness with the world around them” to get the information meant for them steadily downloaded directly into them from God/Source.

The beauty of this approach is that there is no feeling of external rules or laws imposed on us, whether they’re appropriate for us or not.  There’s nothing to memorize and practice every day.  We don’t have to fight against our internal tendencies, desires, and habits to “be better”, or do what we “should” whether we like it or not.  We simply connect to this Divine Energy and allow the Divine Truth of Who We Truly Are to download directly into us, and the principal of “the second element” guarantees that since no 2 things, or programs, can occupy the same space at the same time, the old incorrect programs are dissolved and replaced by new Divine programs and knowledge specific to us from God/Source.

These energies give us a direct connection to the human operating manual from the Creator/Source.  However, because this is so vast and powerful we must approach these energies with patience, sincerity, and discernment.  We don’t want to ask it to give us everything we can think of because that could be a bit overwhelming, and it might try to move us in too many contradictory directions.  We can’t be everything at all times, but we can start becoming the very best that we are able to be with the help of Divine Mother, Manu, Brahma, Vyasa, and God/Source.

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