Work On the World (WOW)

This is a Very Advanced group Zoom Call for anyone who has taken the “Blue Rain of Concentrated Divine Love Class”, or taken 3 or more “Divine Mother Energies.”

During this call we invite Divine Mother/Father/God and their Teams, all the Angels, Devas, mid and upper-level gods, Great Saints, Sages, Yogis, Ascended Masters, Divine Beings, Galactic Federations and Councils, etc., etc. to work together with us to help purify, cleanse, and heal the Earth and all the beings in, on, and around it, including Mother Earth/Gaia. Divine Mother and Friends do the heavy lifting, but they need us there as instruments or conduits of their Divine work.

During this hour long call we use the Blue Rain and many other very powerful Divine Mother Energies to help transform dark beings from the dark side to the Light Side, thereby decreasing the number and size of the dark armies and agents, which greatly improves overall life on Earth. We close negative portals, purify sacred sites and power points, release and uplift trapped souls, and uplift the leaders of each country as we raise the consciousness of the people and their collective consciousness. We work with Divine Mother to lift the Earth out of its descent into Kali Yuga, the darkest and worst of the major time cycles, and move it up towards “Heaven on Earth in Sat Yuga”, the highest and most enlightened of the major time cycles. Divine Mother releases mountains of karma from the Earth, the people on it, and from the people on the call. These blessings flow throughout all time, space, and dimensions of the Earth, and sometimes throughout the entire Solar System and beyond.

The people who attend these calls have a deep desire to help the Earth and all the people in, on, and around it. By joining these calls they also receive Huge Blessings from Divine Mother and the other Divine Beings as these intense Divine Energies flow through the people on the call to the Earth. Many have experiences, healing, and expansion far beyond anything they’ve ever imagined or experienced before.

If you have taken the Blue Rain class, or at least 3-4 of the other Divine Mother energies here, then you can join these group calls on alternating Sundays, Thursdays, Tuesdays, plus now every Weekday at 5pm Central Time not covered by the Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday calls. There is No Charge for those who qualify to join the call. It is an act of Service to the Divine and to the Earth.

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