Divine Biosphere Testimonials

What people are noticing:

“Dear John, Thank you for the work you are doing with Divine Biosphere®… This is really wonderful. Here’s my testimonial: or perhaps advertisement:

Are you worried or fearful of Microwaves, Electromagnetic frequencies, Subliminal messages from the Television, using your cell phone, your computer or other electronic devices?  Are you ever concerned with people trying to influence you or attack you or manipulate you with thoughts and words, intentions not your own?  Do you wonder if there are conspiracies or secrets that could negatively affect you following your purpose or the work that you do?  If you do not feel grounded or protected from negative influences in the atmosphere then Divine Biosphere® is a wonderful addition to your energy arsenal promoting a serene and confident atmosphere of delightful calm for you and even those closest to you.  Picture a bubble or a sphere surrounding you, protecting you from anything and all that is not for your highest and best good.  Imagine this bubble also including other energies that do not have the polarity or form to request a Divine Biosphere® but would and could welcome its presence.  Upon receiving this energy it was initially uncomfortable but I was assured by my spirit to continue.  As my biosphere grew, (I was very aware of this),  both vertically and horizontally, it was more comfortable, then eventually delightful.  I sensed a light-hearted ease and heard giggling from the many energies of a myriad of forms that were around.  They felt more protected than ever.  It is Good. This Biosphere continues to Auto Adjust in size, intensity, and intention to who you personally are.  My decades of work and closeness to Jesus, the Divine Mother, Angels, Seraphim and the Seraph of Seraphim Blueprint had already provided me with a ‘Divine Biosphere®.’  Yet this was achieved through over forty thousand hours of meditation, including Transcendental Meditation, Bible Study, and connection with many Ascended Masters.  I was nevertheless amazed at the intensity of this protection and how quickly it was created through the steps offered in this new Seraphim Blueprint energy from both the Divine Mother and the Atlantean Seraph. I know the beings that are around me feel more protection and freedom than ever before.  This was new. I loved and felt it quite appropriate the initial steps of cleansing and cleaning because one does not want to build a seemingly invisible energetic wall that keeps in stuff that’s not for your highest and best good. Whether you are an advanced energy working initiate, just starting out in becoming aware of higher consciousness, or somewhere in between, the newest energy of the Seraphim Blueprint Healing System called Divine Biosphere® is indeed a powerful protective piece of the puzzle of life, propelling profound meditations and the picture to become clearer of our People Purpose or … Why are we here?  Lucy, Seraphim Blueprint Teacher.  Blessings,


“Hi John,   It’s been 10 days since you installed the Divine Biosphere® for me. I consciously waited and observed myself to be able to give feedback.
I enjoyed our session very much and from the first instance on I felt the power of the Divine Biosphere. The next day I woke up with the Divine Biosphere on auto-adjust but somehow an auto-adjust “Mona Lisa smile” had settled onto my face as well.
Every morning when I wake up I take a couple minutes to mentally focus on my Divine Biosphere. Immediately I start smiling inside and out. No matter what difficulties or adversities try to bother me during the day I am able to embrace them in a calm and effective way. Whenever negative thoughts and feelings surface from deep inside me they dissolve surprisingly fast. A feeling of trust is nurturing me and I see the good and God in everything around me.  Thank you, John.  Still smiling!  Ozden”


“Hi John, I wanted to follow up with you concerning my Divine Biosphere® activation.  The first thing I noticed is it is much easier for me to make decisions.  I also noticed I feel much more clear headed and I find it easier to adjust little things I do in my daily routines to be better for me.  I feel more centered, grounded calm and like there aren’t as many distractions as there used to be.  I feel like I can focus easier. Like you said would happen, I also noticed it enhances the other Seraphim energies when I use them.  I just love knowing I have it and I love the way it makes me feel.   Thanks so much for your patience and kindness. Love, Terri”


I felt better around people for sure. My daughter had a birthday party and I socialized and it felt really good. I didn’t feel pressured or leave feeling like exhausted from energetically holding up my boundaries. I felt like I wasn’t picking up everyone else’s energy, which is huge for me. I am also more aware of energy coming my way that needs to get addressed and cleared. For example; if my husband has been out all day, I will know when he is on the way home to assist the beings that he picked up so that I am not having to do it when he gets home and they don’t attach to me. Overall, it has taken me awhile to adjust to this new bubble but it has been good. Thank you for bringing this forward and have a wonderful 2018.  Warmly, Diana


“I am finding the activations and the Divine Biosphere® is a wonderful experience. I find that I am calmer, more energized and able to shift my consciousness and feeling. It seems to make a tremendous difference for me.  Thank you.”
Blessings,  Will


“I continue to experience a tranquility and sense of peace which permeates every moment in my day. I feel a much greater awareness and drive to be in nature and I walk as much as I can to experience this divine connection. My gratitude and love for life are enhanced and expanded. This is a powerful energy which I felt as a tingling sensation during the activation and now as a pleasing pulsing, coursing energy through my body when I run it. Still working mainly with level 10 but will be building this up over the next few weeks.  Thanks, John, let me know if you are doing seraphic tour anytime soon.  I will update you on progress in 2 weeks.  Blessings, Sharon”


“Thank you so much for yesterday’s session, it was quite impressive.

Afterwards, I felt highly energized and was a bit worried about being able to slow down and go to sleep, but no problem there, I slept like a log and fell asleep right away.

Yesterday and today, I feel good, relaxed and full of energy, but not nervous energy, just more like feeling strong.   I did three ten minute meditations and somehow it zeroed in on a problem I have been having in my throat. Yesterday it guided me to first accept it, then love it and then allow it to leave bit by bit through light and gentle stimulation.

Today it went right back there and gave it healing heat, a totally different feeling from yesterday and during the last meditation it allowed me to see inside and continue to work on the surrounding area. I wanted to work on other people during the meditation, but it did not let me. It seems that I need to finish what I started there before I can continue to other areas.

I really like the way this makes me feel, the ease to get into it and can’t wait to get another opportunity for a short meditation as it feels so good.  Thank you.  Yvonne “


“10 Days ago John Chandler installed the Divine Biosphere for me and I’ve been noticing some profound shifts since then.  I have certainly noticed a profound shift in my connection to spirit and awareness. I am generally a happy person, but that has increased significantly and I am feeling increasingly joyful and happy as each day passes. I’m laughing more than ever and very little bothers me. My level of awareness has definitely improved and I find when I do feel challenged by something, I’m much more likely to observe the situation rather than get caught in it and then look for a solution instead of getting caught in the drama.
I have always tended to be sensitive to the energy of others and being in busy public places usually drains me and if I don’t clear my energy, can really get me down. I’ve not noticed any of that with the presence of the Divine Biosphere. When going into a public place I intentionally increase the level of protection and breeze in and out of places feeling relatively unaffected.
In summary, my emotional, mental and spiritual awareness and states have all been impacted very positively. I would highly recommend anyone on a spiritual path who is looking for a deeper sense of connection, consciousness, and happiness to work with John and have the Divine Biosphere installed. It’s been an increasingly positive experience for me and I am extremely happy with the results.”   
Have a terrific week. xxxx,  Marguerita Vorobioff


“The Divine Biosphere is a gift for everyone in today’s world and is much needed now more than ever before.  When you installed the Divine Biosphere temporarily for me to run for two days, I felt amazing and fully supported in all ways; and I immediately knew the moment it turned off.  It felt like something was missing and I began to feel tired. The next day, I got “whacked” pretty hard with something not of the Highest and Best and let’s leave it at that.  Trying to clear myself probably would have taken much longer because this was something that I have not encountered before.  The process unfolding for me was huge because of the contrast of being fully supported and protected in a bubble of Love with the Divine Biosphere and then… BBam!… the “ick” of the opposite type of energy was overwhelming for me.

When you gave me the permanent Divine Biosphere a day later, the process felt different to me because I was still in the process of clearing the “ick”.  The temporary Divine Biosphere I felt immediately because nothing had to be cleared from me. I couldn’t tell if it was working the following day and I asked you to check it, so you ran it again with me that day. I believe now that I was still being cleared because it felt like it wasn’t an instantaneous clearing, it felt like it was a gradual clearing for me.  For the next two days after that, I was meditating with the Divine Biosphere and auto-adjusting it and also running Seraphim Blueprint and Divine Mother energies to feel like “me” again. I was running so many energies along with the Divine Biosphere that unbeknownst to me, I became overloaded with energies.  You could say I was really high yesterday and fully cleared. Today is the day after and magic has occurred. I feel once again Divinely protected and supported with so much Love fully connected to the Divine and truly in awe of this gift given to you for all of us from Divine Mother and the Seraph.  I’m not sure when everything was cleared from me and it really does not matter.  I feel renewed and even stronger than ever before.

My experience with the Divine Biosphere revealed to me the lowest of lows (when I was unprotected) and also the highest of highs… from having the Divine Biosphere, to not having it, and to having it again.  In hindsight, I am thankful now for this experience and also to tell you that I will never be without the Divine Biosphere again.  To know that I am always fully protected and supported now brings me so much peace, there are no words to express my deep feelings of gratitude.  With Unbounded Love and Light,  Cindy


“What an incredible morning!! The clearing was heart-based and the “replacement” method of the first three clearing statements felt expansive.  During that time I “saw” an artist canvas being prepped for background for a painting.  My body felt lighter and fresh when the clearing was completed.

When the Divine BioSphere attunement began I felt the energies begin to flow with great beauty and intensity. It was not uncomfortable but it got my attention. My crown chakra opened and the energy going in and out felt as if it were leaning to the left of center.  As we went through the levels, my body did de-stressing movements during level 2 and even more during 7. Level 3 felt comforting and gentle. Level 9 was as far as I felt was appropriate for me. I then tried the “doubling”. Whoa! It was very etheric, floaty and reminded me of Level 6 “A” meditation – riding ribbons of light.

I went to lunch and house blessing with several Seraphim Blueprint (SB) practitioners. Collectively we set a grid in her home. Running the SB energies with this in the background felt like the energies were on steroids.

Later in the afternoon I felt tired and rested for a bit. I then manually went to a level 8 for 15 min, brought it back to self-regulating and felt refreshed.

I am looking forward to having quiet time a little later to use some of the other energies to see what it feels like. Thank you both so very much for the privilege of being one of the testers. Throughout the day I have felt calm, protected and almost as if I was observing all that was occurring around me.  Thank you !!!,  Lee”


“Just wanted to share a couple of quick things I noticed today.  It’s now slightly after 11, and you started the installation for me at 1.  I’m tired, got tired in the middle of the afternoon and thought I was going to fall asleep, which is not normal for me, but at the same time was feeling a little wired.  Still feeling that way, although I’m headed to bed to try and sleep.

I did some distant healing work tonight. I am currently working on a number of small children for various things.  Immediately when I started sending energy tonight, the energy got very intense.  My hands and feet were blazing.  Felt like much more of a flow than usual.  Also, while I was running the energy, I noticed my eyesight seemed to improve.  All of a sudden things came much more into focus, and seemed brighter!  I love it. Will keep you posted on anything else.  Thanks again.  Tom”


“Thanks, John.  The energy this past week has been calming and euphoric at times.  It has stirred up emotions and things that I still needed to release and heal.
Since I journal most days, I had one day, that my angels begin to talk to me about the emotions…and I yelled out loud….STOP….and said, if you can’t show me the solution, I don’t want to talk about it anymore…and the energy broke off.   I know, I do yell at my angels once in a while…lol

There were some days that I felt out of body and lazy and others I was energized and spent the whole day “purging” papers, filing and stuff.  The biggest experience was today, Sunday.  While at the Unity of Naples church service, I had a huge confirmation.

During the meditation part of the service, I decided to level up the new energy up to 10…and then I doubled it in volume…when I did that, I was aware of the church looking very different as if something shifted.  With my eyes closed, I could see everybody…when I looked at the stage, Jesus and angels were standing behind the minister…and I began to wonder if I was seeing right…as we came back from the meditation, the guest minister began to start the sermon…the lesson, The Prodigal Son.  When the minister said Jesus’ name, the whole church electrical system went down…all the lights, etc. and then flickered back on….the minister laughed and said, I guess we are not alone…and I just laughed to myself…as I thanked Jesus for the confirmation.
What a wild week.  Sandra”


“I did notice that I could direct the Divine Biosphere to areas that were clearing within and that it helped clear those areas. (I was also aware that clearing from within was not the purpose/ job of the Divine Biosphere.) I also found it could be used to clear around me when going places that were toxic, which was helpful. In addition, I am aware it is part of a bigger concept; that is, can an energy / Biosphere be created for within the system that progressively clears out any and all obstacles to enlightenment / perfect health, etc?  I Am very appreciative of the Divine Biosphere and feel it has helped tremendously.  Dave”


“We are loving the Divine BioSphere!    Jay recounted his experience for me. He felt the clearing by Divine Mother and was comforted. There were not a lot of feelings or visuals for him during this portion. As the installation of the biosphere began, he really began to feel the energies and levels one, two and three were nice. When he got to level 4 he began to see a circle which began to open. He tells me this is a Buddha teaching that he studied. He felt the energy, which felt hot, move from his feet up his body. He felt his hands tingle. They were warm and felt as if they were swelling. The energy then moved to his elbows. His body was a comfortable temp, not too hot or cold. By level 5 his fingers were open, which is his signal that he is in “his spot” (connected). He felt as if he were pushing to see something that did not appear. His body had de-stressing movements and his fingertips tingled. He felt ok with the next levels, was experiencing an increase in the energy but wanted to see how far he would feel comfortable with the energy. At level 10 he felt his body begin to twitch, he saw blinking lights and movement behind his eyes. He saw bluish flashes. He told me he thought that I was opening and closing the blinds in the room.  After the attunement, he felt energetic and enthusiastic. Jay had a speech therapy session right after the initial session and said he felt like he did in January and Feb prior to his medical event.!!!

We have had time to experiment with the BioSphere.  I have, on a daily basis, taken time to turn off the self-regulating, to go to level 9 (my highest), and then double the # of Times of it. I have used this when I was feeling sad or uncertain and had a change within a minute or two. I have also used it when I felt really tired physically and felt regenerated with 5 minutes.  I have used it in meditation and the relaxation was increased.
I have had Jay increase the levels by saying the statements for him and having him repeat them to activate. His ability to express is at the moment limited to “I feel better”.
I have felt calm, energetic and observe more before acting or speaking. When I increase the level it feels like ribbons of light. When I run the other SB energies they feel increased in intensity.
I want to share a couple of events with you. Sunday night as I was falling asleep, I heard a crash in the hall bathroom. Knowing it was Jay, I rushed in to find that as he stood up, his sleep pants were under his feet making him fall back into the toilet and vanity. I lifted his t shirt to find a red mark about the size of a softball on his right back close to his arm. He was looking at his arm and said he thought that was going to be bruised too. My concern was elevated as he is taking Warfin (coumadin) and bleeding can be a serious issue. I made a channel with him ran energies including Seraphic lazer light to the areas affected. I had Jason activate his level 1 energies and Divine BioSphere to run through the night. I made an ice pack and wrapped him with a Nikken magnetic back belt. He took the ice pack off after about 20 min but left the belt on. The next morning when I lifted his shirt there was NO evidence of any bruising or any indication that he had even had a mark on his back!

Yesterday was the first out of town car trip for Jason. He wanted to visit his grandparents (they are 90 and 80) who live 80 miles north. On the way home, we ran into a very intense thunderstorm on I75. I went from 70 mph to 10 almost instantly with visibility of 1 car length. I asked Jason to active the Divine Biosphere with me and the visibility improved almost instantly. It was neat to note that cars stayed quite a bit in front of us, not beside us and stayed far behind us during the storm. The third lane over was another story. We saw many people running up the backs of people and saw some near misses.  Again, we are both feeling very blessed to have Divine Biosphere. Thank you!
Hugs, Lee & Jay”


“Hi John, Thank you so much for the information.  I know it’s been a little longer than a couple of days but I wanted to update you with my results.  I received the Biosphere on Tuesday and immediately following the attunement I had to go to my local Staples to drop off my sick computer. I increased the intensity level and multiples before I walked in and I was able to keep my peaceful demeanor while dealing with them.  I keep auto adjusting and can feel my energy change in minutes, Very awesome.

I have also amped up the intensity and multiples during healing sessions I have performed which seems to give the energy added power.   I am loving this energy and I am so glad that I found out about your gifts from Tom.   Thank you and I will send another update next week.
Blessings, Mary”


”When I first received the Divine Biosphere and was going up into levels I felt warm throughout my body and there was tingling feeling on my crown chakra when we reached level 10. When we doubled the Times up to 7 I felt spacey and my hands felt heat and I felt energy come out of them. The experience was extremely wonderful!  When we were done my husband and I drove to Lake Tahoe to go hiking on this trail to the beach. While we were walking everything seemed so alive, like I saw more orbs than I usually feel and the colors and smells were more pronounced.  When I run other energies along with the Divine Biosphere into different levels and doubling my whole body seems like I am floating in a bubble of energy.  I feel this energy throughout my body. I feel my heart chakra bounding and feel alive. I not sure if I am explaining this correctly but it is so amazing feeling. I stay in that feeling for about 15 mins and I disconnect.   I want to say where I feel most comfortable is level 8 and when I double it I feel good at 5 times. I only double the energy when I need that strength of energy to intensify the energy my intention.   Liz”


“Thank you!  I love it. I am definitely detoxing. Good stuff. “ Fran.


“After I got Divine Biosphere I slept and the next morning I woke up in overheated …hahaha…it might be I ran Divine Biosphere at too high a level.

I went to the office that day and found that I became over sensitive and very emotional (I hardly able to control my emotion) much more than normal days. Until I back home in the evening my emotion was still high. This morning I ran Divine Biosphere at different levels. I started with auto adjusting and then to level 8 without multiplying, I felt my body expanding and the bubble felt to be around 10 Ft from my body. Then I return to auto-adjust to feel the difference. I tried level 3 and 5 without multiplying and felt shrinkage then back to Auto- adjust again then trying with level 6. I felt level 6 is closer to auto adjust in terms of sensation and bubble size and body expansion. I ran Divine Biosphere about 30-40 minutes this morning and still felt slightly heated. But when I started this email I felt my emotion back to normal and the heat started to back to normal and I am feeling more comfortable now.  So I hope tomorrow and next days will be much better.   Thank you very much for getting this amazing Divine Biosphere.  Blessings, Puguh”


Information on John Chandler:

My journey began in 1970 when I learned Transcendental Meditation and studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Europe to become a teacher of TM.  Over the years I taught hundreds of people to meditate and took many advanced TM & Siddhis courses all over the US and Europe.  I’ve also been trained in Reiki, Chi Gong, Pranic Healing, Jyoti Atman, Seraphim Blueprint Healing System, and more recently I’ve been receiving new Divine Energies and Tools directly from the Divine Mother and other Divine Beings.  The Divine Biosphere is the most recent amazing energy package created together by the Divine Mother, the Seraphim Angels, and other Divine Beings for the protection, clearing, healing and enlightening of humanity at this time.

This is the first time that this energy package has been created and offered on Earth, or anywhere for that matter, and people are amazed and thrilled that once the Divine Biosphere is activated within them they can receive this Divine Energy constantly, all day long.  They’re also amazed that they can dial the energy up and down in power, frequency and volume as desired.  Many people have never had such an experience, and even 40-year veteran energy/light-workers are amazed that something that took them 40 years to accomplish is now possible after only 2-3 hours of attunements.


Published by

John Chandler

I became a TM Meditation instructor in 1971, then added Reiki, Pranic Healing, Jyoti Atman, Seraphim Blueprint Healing Teacher, and over the past decade Divine Mother and other Divine Beings have been giving me never before offered Divine Energies to bring out to the World and teach.